Antivirus Free - nonresponsive after choosing "Not Now" on activation step during install
Hello When upon installation of Bitdefender Antivirus Free (Agent on Windows 10 Pro 20H2, ...on activation step I choose "Not Now", ...installation seems to finish just fine, with no errors. App also seems to start fine and its Icon appears in sys tray as expected - also after reboot. Menu on tray…
Bitdefender Antivirus Free User Guide
I have downloaded and installed Bitdefender Antivirus Free on my Windows 10 desktop machine. The first time I used it I found a dashboard or screen that allowed me to choose what I wanted Bitdefender Antivirus Free to do. The next day I wanted to learn more about how to use the program and features, but I cannot find any…
Bitdefender Antivirus Free Dashboard missing?
I am unable to find or return to the Bitdefender Antivirus Free Version Dashboard. Is there a trick to it?
Bad update today
Auto-updated 2h ago. All Windows UI got uber-slow, with 1-2 minute delays on all taskbar actions like open Start Menu, or start Task Manager. Same after reboot. Uninstalled for now.
BitDefender slows down my download speed that it is measured in kilobytes
Title said it all. My download speed is literally measured in kilobytes while BitDefender is active, as soon as I turn off the protection shield it comes right up. I tried reinstalling BitDefender and even reinstalled Windows but nothing changed (also reinstalled/updated my wificard drivers, this problem happens with the…
Strange new message before booting Windows 10
Hello everybody, I'm having a quick question about Bitdefender. Since last week, I always get this message right before my PC is booting Windows: "Your security solution is cleaning your device from threats. The cleaning process finished successfully!" Is this something new or do you think I have a security problem on my…
Bitdefender stuck on Windows update
Bitdefender has been trying to update Windows 10 (version 2004 update 1 of 1...) for 2 days now. I just took a couple of screenshots to log the time it's taking to finish. Took this one at 10:06:25 today. Took this one at 11:36:57 and the installation progress bar hasn't moved! What do I have to do to get Bitdefender to…
We have been seeing this show up in our logs as DNS name resolution timing out, however, we have seen quite a few oddities like mouse moving on its own, documents being opened up while users are logged in and such. I have also noticed PC's that have the BitDefender agent uninstalled and God only knows for how long. We…
I need assistance
I have had a Bitdefender account for almost a year, and haven't been able to install it successfully since purchase. Each time I try it appears to either log me into a redirected site, or installs a malicious version of Bitdefender. I can see in the Windows Registry that there is an infection, as well as the windows32…
High CPU Usage While Computer Locked
When I lock my Windows 10 computer, as soon as the screen turns off, the fan gets very loud due to high CPU usage. However, as soon as I unlock the computer, the CPU drops and the fan soon shuts off. When I check Task Manager immediately upon unlocking, usually the System process has the most usage (sub-10%), but I do not…
Basic question about windows startup
I have been using Bitdefender Total Security on Windows 10 for quite some time now, and one thing I have been curious about for as long as I have been using it is whether or not there is a delay to when protection kicks in at Windows startup. I have noticed that there is a fairly significant delay between when Windows…
Slow Fast.com/Netflix on Bitdefender Total Security 2020
Hey Bitdefender Team, I have Bitdefender Total Security 2020 installed on my Windows 10 Machine. Edition: Windows 10 Home Version: 2004 OS build: 19041.572 Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.31.0 I have all the latest Windows update installed and have moved to a 100Mbps Internet connection this month.…
bdparentalservice.exe / Parental Service Not Enabled; Running; Hogging Resources
bdparentalservice.exe is running on my machine. I didn't ask for it. I have no child profiles (all children are adults). And yet, there it is. What is it doing? Why is it there? Is this BD proprietary malware/spyware? If any one machine in our license group uses it, do all get it? My battery is very unhappy, as am I. How…
Any one have an idea what this app is that appeared in my Windows Startup, "_f3096655F6814A76D66DB9" ??? I can't find any info on the web :-s a
Bitdefender Threat Scanner directory is 259GB
There are over 400 of these folders going back to 9/1. What steps should I take to clean this up and make sure it doesn't happen again? Thanks!
Can't Reinstall Bitdefender
When I tried to reinstall BD AV Free Ed., the installation did not complete and I was prompted to use the Uninstall Tool. But the Uninstall Tool finished with errors. I'm running Windows 10 64 bit
Problems with Bitdefender 2020 Firewall and Minecraft Dungeons (possibly other UWP apps)
Howdy, I have recently noticed that Minecraft Dungeons (Windows 10 UWP) is being blocked by Bitdefender IS 2020's firewall. This appears to occur when Default application behavior is set to default (automatic). If I start Minecraft Dungeons I get a network appears to be down message. Doing the same with Alert Mode turned…
As a subscriber do I have access to any other PC tools from Bitdefender, then Bitdefender?
Hey I'm a new customer in the Bitdefender world! I bought Bit defender Total Security after only ONE week of testing (May, 2020). I have been plagued with several new threats which comes from mobile phones and infects PCs. The Android May update has a lot about my issues in it, but no info how to weed out the viruses. I…
Windows 10 starts with blank screen
Hi! I was starting my laptop after skipping 1 day threats definition update (there used to like 3 to 5 update per day) and it went blank after Windows started. I logged in successfully but no Windows Interface or Background shown. I tried to restart explorer.exe but it cannot restart properly, need to run the file manually…
Always Failed Update Bitdefender Antivirus Free, what should i do ?
hello, i am try bitdefender before buy. But why in free update always failed ? i use win 10 and 100mbps internet connection. I think is enough for my speed internet connection for update. what problem ? Thanks before Regards Mutiara
Free version - Can't uninstall completely
I have Windows 10 running Bitdefender AV Free version. Recently it wouldn't start protection. In the past I've had to uninstall and reinstall to fix this issue, however this time I can't get the app completely uninstalled. After uninstalling from System Settings\Apps, I had to run the Bitdefender Antivirus Free Uninstall…
Cannot update to version 25....
Hello, I have two laptops running windows 10. On my oldest laptop, I have bitdefender total security version On my new laptop, a new install of Bitdefender gave me version Version 25 fixes an issue I was facing but I cannot update the 24 version to the 25 version. Can somebody help me with that? I…
Latest version offline installer needed for free version!
My internet seed is very slow. Could you send me a offline installer link of free version? I have got some third party link. But I need official link for security reason.
Bitdefender Free update failed -1011
From 21-07-2020 this error appears to me. I scanned the system with Malwarebytes and it did not detect anything, after which I reinstalled Bitdefeneder Free, but the error still persists. I contacted the technical support asking them if they have any problems with any server and they confirmed to me that the problem is not…
Should I turn off Windows Defender Firewall in services after Bitdefender installation?
Windows Defender firewall is still running in services after installation of Bitdefender. The documentation says that Windows firewall will be disabled during the installation. Does that mean Windows Defender firewall? If yes, then should I stop this service from running? The installation did switch off the other Window…
My smartphone does'nt appear on the BTS interface while it appears on my Bitdefender Central account
Hello, I just successfully installed the new Bitdefender Total Security on my 64-bit Windows 10 pro PC. Then I installed BTS on my Samsung Galaxy S10e smartphone from my Bitdefender Central account. The installation went smoothly as my PC and smartphone appear to be enabled and protected in my Bitdefender Central account.…
Antivirus free fails installation
I've tried multiple times to install the Bitdefender antivirus free edition on a Win10 desktop that used to run Bitdefender Antivirus Plus. I did a normal uninstall of the original bitdefender product. In the course of troubleshooting, I also ran the 6 different bitdefender uninstall tools. Also rebooted into safe mode and…
Bitdefender blocks my works VPN
My work just switched their VPN to the Windows 10 Built-In VPN and I cannot connect. I think Bitdefender is blocking it. How can I see if Bitdefender is blocking my connection to my work's VPN?
Safe files function gone in version 25
I just installed my bitdefender on my new laptop and I noticed that the "safe files" function is gone. Why? is it maybe moved to another location? I personally liked that feature. Bitdefender total protection version