Getting endless notification
Im getting this endless notification Feature: Online Threat Prevention chrome.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an expired certificate to getexperiment.ru. We blocked the connection to keep your data safe since websites must renew their certificates with a certification authority to stay current, and…
CPU Cores 1-2 On 100% Use Until Task Manager Is Launched. Any Suggestions?
Hi, I would like to ask for your help/assistance. According to MSI afterburner and System Explorer, Cpu cores 1-2 are 100% used until task manager is launched. I can also hear the fans spinning faster. *** EDITED: Both RAR files removed by @Gjoksi. It is a bad idea to post files with your PC's information on a public…
An Infected File Attempted To Run On My Mac Device (Trojan.GenericKD.63518532). Any Advice?
I'm running Bitdefender Antivirus on a Mac, and got this notification yesterday: "An infected file attempted to run on your device. Threat name: Trojan.GenericKD.63518532 [Path] We deleted the file to prevent malicious commands from being executed on your device." The path indicates that this was an attachment to an email…
How Do I Get Rid Of "puredating" Malware?
How do I get rid of this annoying popup/malware/app? Feature: Online Threat Prevention We blocked this dangerous page for your protection: EDITED: File(s) and/or URL(s) removed by @Gjoksi "Posting malware samples and /or URLs is not allowed in the community! Do not post direct links to any executable files,…
How can I recover my Windows Security Center and W-Defender? (W10)
Hello, I sent this message to Windows Help Center as well, because I have no idea which is at fault. My issue has been here for at least a week, and went as follows: downloaded viruses launched several scans with W(indows)D(efender): found 1 adware, then nothing, then 1 malware, then nothing again wanted a more thourough,…
BD Total Security Detected Gen:Variant.Zusy.54658. Should I Be Worried?
Today i was made Full Scan on my PC from all drivers and i got message from Total Security Bitdefender - Gen:Variant.Zusy.54658 was Detected I had this file on my computer since 12/09/2022 in a rar file and then did not open it, they are assets / characters for the "mugen" game I'm very skeptical and paranoid in less than…
GravityZone linux: how to prevent bduitool to move malicious files to the quarantine?
I'm using GravityZone BEST Linux (latest version) to detect possible malicious files on Linux servers. To do that I'm running the command: bduitool scan -s custom /path/to/folder/ As any detected file is automatically removed and moved to the quarantine, there's any way to disable this behavior? I just need the files to be…
Hacker Malware VIRTOOL:Win32\DefenderTamperingRestore
I have been suffering from this malware, which disables the Windows Defender services and gives the hacker control of my PC, for a long time. Also from RemoteAdmin:win32\ConnectScreen. I have gone through numerous re-installations but the malware always returns (and the hacker, who prevents me from doing everyday tasks).…
Need Help with VBScript Malware
I suddenly started getting constant notifications saying "Suspicious activity blocked: VBScript tries to load a potentially malicious resource and was blocked. Your device is safe." This has been going on for the past half-hour and won't stop. I ran a full scan while this is going on and it says that there's no issues,…
What Is Scareware and How Do You Beat It?
Almost every internet user has had at least one run-in with scareware, one of the most lucrative forms of malware. A telltale sign of scareware is a sudden frightening prompt claiming a virus has been detected. Knowing this and other signs can prevent you from getting scammed. Read the full article below:
ATD keeps blocking powershell, how to get rid of it?
Powershell keeps being blocked witjh the following command lines: powershell -ep bypass -c &{$y= gc eCednSi.log; $y | iex}) Avery method to get rid of it or to find the cause did fail, what should I do? Thank you very much
How to manually shred or quarantine cleancaptcha.top adware file?
I was recently dumb enough to fall for a popup virus on Microsoft Edge. I was redirected to a website called cleancaptcha.top & there was a popup asking me to click "allow" access to "confirm you're not a robot." Then I started getting a bunch of fake antivirus notifications for McAfee & Norton, which I don't even have.…
Bitdefender not picking up trojan?
I'm getting a recurrent icon in my Macbook Air dock for "Undercover Registration" -- this is spoofing the old Undercover/Orbicule software I used to have installed but that went out of business years ago. Now this icon has come up -- looks identical to the old Undercover icon -- and it leads to a page to enter cc…
WSC Communicator
I noticed "WSC Communicator" running a few weeks ago as part of BitDefender Antivirus Plus. See attached screenshot. Several back-and-forths with support has not resolved my very simple question to them, "Is WSC Communicator part of Bitdefender or not?" The fact they can't even answer such a simple question is disturbing,…
Determining Malware on Android
Hello. I'm new to the forum and I am using a trial of mobile Bitdefender Security, and so far, I like what it does, and I also like the price, therefore, I am thinking about purchasing a subscription. However, I first wanted to ask: Can mobile Bitdefender Security or this forum determine if something unusual on a person's…
suspicious notification to install "Installation file" from "Bitifender SRL" every time I start up
I have been getting this notification for about a week every time I start up my computer. It is asking me to install "Installation File" or installer.exe "from" Bitifender SRL on my computer. When I tried to go to the location of the file, it didn't exist, even when I turned hidden files on. Of course I denied the action…
Bitdefender does not remove trfcbooost
trfcboost adware is now on my android phone. A scan using Bitdefender does not find it. How do I remove it?
Infected web page detected
I recently got a trojan virus. After days of cleaning my laptop with different anti malware, I decided to finish it off with bitdefender free version. Now everytime I do anything connected with the internet these kind of messages show up I don't know what this is. As you can see the two are slightly different. Another one…
How do certain administration tools get its "suspicious" mark?
This might sound like a very broad question but I'll explain why. I was shown a video that BitDefender was apparently white-listing a commonly used tool for reverse shell, netcat, in video below. I took the video with a grain of salt, because looking at the virtual machine, it looks like it was quite customized. I read a…
Show reputation rating about a file & submit False Positive directly in the product
I am not sure if Bitdefender has reputation cloud or something like that. Based on my experience with ESET, Kaspersky and Norton, I find the reputation quary feature (ESET's LiveGrid, Kaspersky's KSN and Norton's file insight) very useful when deciding whether or not to open a file. For example, if I want to open a file…
My Win11 device has been infected with m.nearbyme.io and bitdefender so far has not identified it. Any advice for this? m.nearbyme.io is a browser hijacker. It redirects google searches on the address bar
App I didn’t download is running 24/7
I got a notification on my IPhone SE 2020 that my screen time was up 68% from the week before, which was weird, and discovered an app that’s been running 24/7 since last Tuesday called “Ohio State”. This is really weird because I’m not an Ohio State fan - I didn’t (knowingly) install it and I don’t recognize it. It’s not…
Bitdefender Labs Sees Increased Malicious and Scam Activity Exploiting the War in Ukraine
As the war in Ukraine intensifies, researchers at Bitdefender Labs are picking up waves of fraudulent and malicious emails exploiting the humanitarian crisis and charitable spirit of recipients across the globe. What we’ve seen so far: Since March 1, Bitdefender Labs have been tracking two phishing campaigns attempting to…
New FoxBlade Malware Hit Ukraine Hours Before Invasion, Microsoft Says
Threat actors used a new malware strain against Ukrainian networks hours before the Russian invasion started on Feb. 24, according to Microsoft. The company’s Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) noticed cyberattacks aimed at Ukraine and identified a novel type of malware they labeled FoxBlade. “Several hours before the…
Bitdefender researchers find Teabot malware dropping Android apps
Most believe the official Google Play Store is completely safe to download and vetted for security purposes before they become available to the public. That's true most of the time but not always. Sometimes malicious apps are missed and stay active on official stores accruing thousands of downloads before they are noticed…
Malware Posing as Ransomware Responsible for Ukraine Cyberattack
Microsoft has published a more in-depth analysis of the recent Ukraine cyberattack, showing that the destructive malware is more like ransomware and follows a known pattern. Following cyberattacks against Ukrainian government websites of the State Treasury, State Emergency Service, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Foreign…
Pop up "Op je systeem is geen appgeheugen meer beschikbaar" (no available app memory)
A couple of weeks ago Bitdefender found and deleted some Generic Trojan horses in an unopened mail when it was moved to the bin. Since that time I get this kind of pop up a couple of times a day, see screenshot. Especially when I am working with Photoshop. The pop up says Photoshop uses over 120 GB (on my 500 GB/16 GB…
Hackers Are Sending Malicious Links Via Google Docs
Security firm Avanan says it "observed a new, massive wave of hackers leveraging the comment feature in Google Docs, targeting primarily Outlook users" starting in December 2021. Attackers reportedly created Google Docs and left comments using tags (the "@" symbol followed by the victim's name) so Google would notify the…
I could use some help understanding why Bit Defender flagged something
I downloaded and installed a program to be used with an oculus headset from what I believed to be a trusted source. When I ran the program, BD flagged it for malware and listed the .exe as the source. It also listed some infected files under Antivirus. Most of the listed files are from AppData folder and are Nvidia…