How to disable the vpn perminantly?
Hi. sorry I'm new to this forum so please bare with me. I have installed a paid version of BD on my s20 phone and the vpn is constantly giving notifications and connecting without asking first. I think I've disabled the auto connect but it stills appears? Is there any way I can just bin this royal pain in the @#* before I…
Any solutions for VSCode Remote connection with VPN active
Hello, Currently, while the VPN is active and connected to a location. VSCode Remote WSL extension does not connect correctly to the localhost endpoint. It uses a random port. Is there a way to allow access to the remote extension? Thank you
What Makes a VPN Trustworthy?
In today’s climate, online privacy has taken on new levels of importance and is no longer seen as optional. Not long ago, the consensus was that you don’t really need privacy unless you have something to hide. Preserving your online anonymity can keep you safe against various threats, including hackers, intrusive ads,…
How to restore VPN access to Netflix via US Virtual Location?
I've been successfully accessing my US Netflix subscription for the last 1.5 months while I am in Spain. Earlier today a Bitdefender Premium VPN upgrade was automatically applied to my PC (Windows 10) and now Bitdefender VPN Version times out when attempting to log into netflix.com. Google Chrome and Microsoft…
Child accessing vpn
How to prevent my child accessing the BITD app on his laptop? The vpn is not an element covered by the app password. I hv not subscribed but the vpn can be selected (activating the BD vpn subscription) by the child. In vpn mode it bypasses content security and adult content can be easily accessed Any advice?
VPN upload speed
my upload speed without bitdefender vpn is around 7-11mb and with VPN over 100. What is this due to?
error 183(TunnelInternal)
cant connect to vpn on my two computers
Disney+ blocked when VPN is enabled.
Anyone else having issues in the UK not being able to access Disney+ when using the VPN on their Windows device? I've even tried adding the disneyplus url to the Split tunnelling option on the VPN. Tried multiple servers, (not tried them all ofc), but it's making no difference. Soon as I turn off the VPN, DisneyPlus is…
How do I upgrade to "free VPN and what is the yearly cost. I only arrive at Page 404 do not exist
I am having issues with error 183 Tunnel Internal is this due to Tmobile internet vs standard cable
i've a valid licence that expire next year (bitdefender premium 10 devices). i've a problem with vpn on my personal pc win 11. i can't use VPN, says licence expired. . I've tried uninstall and reinstall . i've tried add licence with my valid licence but, app say error 11 . i can't use vpn on my pc but i can use vpn on…
How to setup openVPN on my router using Bitdefender VPN
Hello wondering if you can help please. My router supports OpenVPN (https://www.tp-link.com/uk/support/faq/3135/). I'm looking for the VPN server address for Bitdefender VPN. Many thanks in advance for your help and support.
Il blocco del VPN da parte di Netflix e PrimeVideo si può superare?
Moved: Site marchand eBay
This discussion has been moved.
changed internet providers, how to change so vpn will go to right provider
VPN has to be turned on manually?
This was automatically on in the first edition with VPN, why do I have to manually engage this now?
Why Hotspot Shield?
Why does Bitdefender use the services of Hotspot Shield and not from NordVPN for example? Wouldn't that be a better and more privacy friendly option?
how do i disable this annoing VPN message (unsafe Wi-Fi network)
hello, I'm a customer of over 5 years of Bitdefender antivirus/ for the last 2 years, I got this annoying VPN message although I got VPN of another company on my pc. connecting to the customer service didn't help, this message just keep popping over and over no mether how many times I click "Not now". how can I disable…
VPN stuck in never ending Reconnecting
Was using the internet last night when my connection went down. Turned out to be some on my ISP end but when I started my VPN this morning it goes to automatically to "Reconnecting" and doesn't connect. I was going to uninstall the VPN itself but decided to exercise caution when the uninstall warning pop up came up and…
Embed Bitdefender VPN into other software.. with client, key, and server lns adress.
i have Bitdefender VPN and is there any possibility to make it run on Hiveos, any source for above details to configure with Bitdefender VPN.
why when trying to log into mybt (bt home page) and photo import software it fails if vpn is in use
In order to access these programs I have switch vpn off and reboot computer. Using windows 10.
Why does VPN stop working after return from windows sleep or hibernate
HI, I am absolutely fed up of Bitdefender VPN not working after returning from sleep or Hibernate on Win10Pro. From a restart everything works as expected, then after sleep 'silence'... I am running subscription version on a Dell Alienware area51. There are no obvious error messages, just that no websites can be…
I am getting a BSOD when starting Bitdefender VPN
The message reads KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED ndis.sys The minidump pointed the Virtualbox (VBoxNetLwf.sys). But after upgrading Virtualbox and eventually deinstalling the problem remains, but now pointing to npcap.sys. I reinstalled Bitdefender VPN, but that did not help. At first installation of Bitdefender 2 weeks ago…
VPN premium on Android 11 - app issues
VPN premium on (latest app) with android 11. And I can't load my feed on Twitter. Only when I disconnect VPN it loads. Until now I had to add 7 apps to split tunneling to have them work properly. I don't thing this could be the way to work with premium VPN. Checked all the propositions here, tried all the "solutions" that…
No WiFi with Web Protection enabled on Mobile
Hello, im currently using ios beta 15.5. with VPN enable no connectivity when connected to WiFi. Disable VPN and WiFi works fine. Any ideas?
Tota Security and VPN Premium through NightHawk (Netgear) cancel each other out (subscription expire
My TAP and DNS missing. How to install?
Bypassing Network Firewall to connect to VPN
The network firewall for my institute has a "Sophos" firewall that prevents me accessing various webpages like epic Games and thus prevents me from downloading application Like Unreal Engine. That's why I want to connect to Bitdefender VPN for high speed access, but recently we have started getting Error 182 "Tunnel…
What Is a Secure VPN? And the Reasons You Need One
Staying connected and sharing information online has never been easier. But with so many opportunities to share every aspect of your life, protecting your online identity can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. Find out how a secure VPN can protect your online privacy, keep your digital footprint under control - and why…