Bitdefender Is2008 Firewall Profile Name.
I have been wondering why my BDIS2008 firewall profile name keeps reseting each time i restart my computer. I once made a nice profile and renamed it. but then when i restart its named Default untrusted 1 next tiem 10 then 20 .... ceeks going on?? Sometimes it remembers the right profile.. any fix folution to this? Thanks.
See My User Defined Scan Shortcut On The Quick Task Page?
Is there a way to move, or have seen, my user defined task shortcut to the quick task page we see when opening up Bitdefender Internet security 2008? I see other options such as full system scan, but not my created scans. Thanks.
Bd Antivirus 2008 Move To Quaranit Some Network Scanners
BD antivirus 2008 build 11.0.16 find and then move to quarantin next network scanners nmap as application.tool.nmap.r superscan 3 as application.portscan.superscab.b superscan 4 as application.superscan.f angry ip scaner as application.portscan.angry.g after that i restore programs from quarantin but BD( default settngs)…
Scanning Archives
why is that bitdefender cannot remove viruses from inside an archive. iwould really want it to have such capability
Installation Internet Security
Sir I buy internet security and installed it by using the password and username after I register in bit defender. But after I got one mail from noreply-eng@element5.com with a user name and pass word I uninstall the program and again installed with the user name and pass word provided by noreply-eng@element5.com Please…
Need Help-
Hi Sorry not all that great with computers. I am sure there are MANY of you out there that will know the answer this problem! I purchased a license for 3 pc's and got the download page with the license number. I successfully installed on my desktop- How do I put it on my two laptops? Thanks so much and hope everyone gets…
Your Freedback Here.
Please tell what do you think for bitdefender.Is it good?Do you have bugs?We'd love to hear it from you.
Bd10+ Update Problems?
Okay, i just formatted my hard disk (again, long story), re-installed everything and now want to update BD10+. The update begins fine but it get's to "cevakrnl.rvd" and takes a crap. (total update % goes haywire then i get an update error message). So i download/install the updates manually and all is well... for the first…
30 Money Back Guarantee.? Refund?
OK, OK. I kno I should of totally downloaded a Trial version first but I didn't. Stupid on my part.. but I was in need of security and I didn't want some free company securing my stuff.. I had kaspersky and i loved it.. eventually It caused problems and my internet on my Vista machine stopped worrking.. someone told me…
Does Anyone No How To Get Vista On Xp?
Anyone no a safe way to get the Vista theme on XP for free?
Please Help Me !
i want to sen BITDEFENDER 2 files infecting virus on my computer. Because i use bitdefender antivirus V10, but it don't find that virus. please sen to me email address of BITDEFENDER. Thanks!
Where Can I Find The Firewall Logs?
I can't seem to find my firewall logs?
Stealth Mode
I've BD Internet Security 2008 and today 4 things changed when I booted the pc. 1. The stealth mode is now marked disabled but when I click fix nothing happens. In advanced settings the stealth mode is listed but in light print and I can't click it. How do I get the stealth mode working again? 2. On the BD icon in the task…
Search Engine Sucks
Just a little feedback. I try to do a search on FTP and the stupid search "feature" prevents that. Please fix this.
How To Create An Ftp Rule
I have the Internet Security 10 and I need help in creating a rule to allow FTP in (I am running a FTP server).
Help With Website Issue
I am using BDIS v.10 build 247... For the last couple weeks, I have not been able to view a website (blog) on my home computer which has BDIS running. I've had no problems viewing it before, and it is in my bookmarks. But now for some reason, I'm not able to view it from either Firefox ( or Internet Explorer 7…
What Is The Recyclers Folder
When a scan is performed there is a directory on my d:\ call "Recyclers" that contains some viruses that cannot be deleted. I would like to delete this folder (this drive was my c:\ a year ago). The problem is that the folder is hidden, and even when I 'show hidden folders', the folder still doesn't show. So how can I get…
How To Reset Statistics
Hi, i'm using Bitdefender Internet Security 2008, can someone please tell me how to reset the blocked cookies and blocked scripts in the Identity Control Statistics? Many thanks.
Direct Download?
i'm interested in trying out BD 2008 but the only way i can find to download it is a web installer. (i believe that's the correct term). i'm using dial-up (stop laughing for a minute) and need the direct link so i can use my resuming software in the event my connection craps out (as it often does). Thanks all!
Still The Same
I haven't visited for a while, but I see the forum has not changed any. I still own a BD license but no longer use the program so I can still post legally. I just wanted to see if any improvements have been made by BD, something that might make me feel better about the BD purchase I made, but I see no improvements have…
How To Completely Stop All Bitdefender Services ?
Hi all, Using Suite2008 ... while I am troubleshooting something I would like to *COMPLETELY* stop all bitdefender services. I mean, not just exit the tray icon ... but exit all pieces of running bitDefender code anywhere on the system no matter how deep. Right now it will not even let me stop the virusShield. This thing…
Bitdefender Anti Virus 2008 Won't Remove/quarantine Anything
Hi there, I have recently bought BitDefender Anti Virus 2008 and installed it on my Vista Home Premium laptop. On the surface it appears to be running fine, but each time I run a scan though it does find threat items, it will not take ANY action on them. This has happened multiple times now and I'm starting to feel like…
Firewall Question / Comparison To Avg
I recently had my computer stolen, so I'm having to reinstall anti-virus software on my new computer. I was using AVG, which was easy to use. Not being a tech-type I like the ease of use. One feature it had was a firewall, which I set up instead of using the one that comes with Windows. Does BitDefender have a firewall…
Winxp (32 Bit), Remote Desktop And Svchost.exe
I have just recently been experiencing problems with Remote Desktop application on WinXP (32 bit) not allowing me to connect to a machine. After much troubleshooting, I found that I had to delete the svchost.exe entries in the BitDefender firewall exceptions to get it to work. After removing all instances of svchost.exe…
Can't Connect Many Games
running BD IS2008 with Windows Vista 32 Call of Duty 4: doesn't appear servers in the lobby. But I can play if I connect from a game browser (qtracker). GTR2, RACE07 and GTLegends (Simbin games): servers appear on the lobby, click and doesn't connect. Other games run well (Live For Speed, Counter Strike Source...) History:…
I Am A New User...don't Know How To Delete Virus....
Hello, I just used BitDefender for 4 days, everynight the computer will scan virus. Viruses were found, but there is not any continue button/icon for me to take action (to delete virus). No button/icon was found from the page ! What can I do to delete those virus ??????????? Please help......... ( When Virus found, it…
Bd Antivirus Locking Up My Laptop
I purchased Antivirus 2008 a couple weeks ago, and it has started locking up my system everytime on start up - until i uninstall it. at first i couldn't figure out why Windows was locking up and so i took my laptop in for repair/checkup,,, and they said it was the BD AV that was causing it.. i then attributed the…
Update Problem
just installed bitdefender antivirus 2008 trial version, and when I try with the update , it can't connect to the update server. of course interbnet connectio works perfectly. windows xp pro
Help! My Wallet Is Stolen!
Hi all, I know that this is not going to help me right now as I am already a victim of theft. My wallet has been stolen and I have lost all my important documents that even included my financial details. I fear that they may be used to make my accounts drain. I have already taken the necessary steps for this but this is…
My problem is that everytime I try to install the program "BitDefender Internet Security 2008", while it shows Status: Copying new files, it appears a message box: "Error writing into the file C:\Program files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2008\bdfsfltr.sys. Be sure that you have access to that directory". Then installation…