Announce Next Update Of Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools?
Dear, Could you please let me know if Bitdefender has any official places that announce upcoming updates in advance? Thanks.
Exclusions not working for scans
Hey guys, I ran into a problem where no matter what I did with policies, I could not get some additional drives on windows to be excluded from scans. I finally figured out the problem though, you need to make the drive letters capitalized. Apparently, even though windows filesystems are not case sensitive, bitdefender is.…
Policy blocking printing to Ricoh printer
Greetings all, new BDGZ user here, one of our managed companies has a Ricoh C3503 Copier/Printer device. Since deploying default rules with the BEST endpoint the users can no longer print. I was able to verify it was something with the firewall by cloning the default policy and deploying one with the firewall enabled. Once…
Having difficulty encrypting with automatic boot over 2 different Asrock motherboards
We have 14 x Windows 10 Pro workstations with Asrock X470D4U2-2T motherboards that have all successfully encrypted with If Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is active, do not ask for pre-boot password option checked. However, we also have 18 Windows 10 Pro workstations with Asrock X570D4U-2L2T boards that have gone through the…
BD GravityZone: Can A New Vulnerability Scan On Stations Be Manually Set Off?
Hi, I have used Bit Defender Gravity Zone Vulnerability check to resolve some of the vulnerabilities that have been found. My question is: can a new scan on stations be manually set off so I can see if any of the configurations changes have made a difference?
Desinstalação nas estações
Problema em algumas estações. Após realizado a instalação remotas e algumas manuais nas estações dos usuários, em algumas o antivírus sumiu, tanto da lista de programas instalados quanto dos programas em segundo plano. já aconteceu mais de três vezes em alguns casos. Em outros usando as estações como laboratório, foi visto…
Massive issue with web console (GZ on-prem)
The web console does not show a dashboard. The protection can therefore no longer be managed. The problem exists with all environments that we have access to. Any solution? Regards, Alex
BitDefender Scanning Activity
I recently inherited management of our BitDefender system. We have about 100 computers with half of them in engineering. I was speaking with one engineer yesterday that does iOS development and he mentioned that BitDefender CPU usage spiked when he was building the app and during unit testing. I read about live scan, but…
GravityZone Network Discovery
I am new to bitdefender gravityzone, I have it installed and have a relay on my network. But the only computers that show up in the console are the ones on the same subnet of the relay, it is not seeing computers in other VLANs. I have wired and wireless devices on separate VLANs, and it is only seeing the wired devices,…
Event ID # 4625 Logs in DC Servers since Desktops / Laptops Bitdefender Endpoint Upgrade
We have onpremise Bitdefender GravityZone server and Windows 10 Desktops / Laptops. The Bitdefender Policy – General Update is set to every 1 hour. We have a third party IT application that will collect Windows Event Logs (success and failed logins) from all Microsoft Active Directory DC (Windows 2016) Servers. In our…
Can I Apply A Local Computer Policy To Client By Bitdefender GravityZone?
I want to apply policy to client, such as: set 10 mins to lock screen. Can Bitdefender GravityZone do that? I do not have AD so can not use GPO. All clients connect direct to Bitdefender GravityZone via internet.
Where To Find The Serial Number For Bitdefender GravityZone Application?
Hello, we have send an inquiry through the Bitdfender web portal (Support Request), to no avail. We are trying to renew our BitDefender GravityZone application, through a third-party distributor (where we purchased it), but they are asking for the Serial Number. We don't know where this is. This information is NOT listed…
How To Uninstall / Revoke The Security Agent For An Employee In BD GravityZone Security Central?
How to uninstall and revoke the security agent for an employee in Bitdefender GravityZone Security Central, when we don't know what's the name of his endpoint?
BEST replacement for Symantec.cloud
Greetings, we are having trouble getting BEST installed on an older Server2012R2 machine. It "used" to have Symantec Cloud services and SEP installed, those have been removed and even obliterated with the cleanup tool as well. BEST will begin to install but complains Symantec.cloud is installed, it says to click continue…
Patch Management On Relay
Hi, I want to ask about the Corporate version of Bitdefender's Patch Management feature. I have a Relay and some endpoints to which we isolate the Internet network to. Can Bitdefender do a Patch Scan / Patch Install on that endpoint?😃
How to silence alerts from Nessus Scans
Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for this issue. Gravityzone is detecting scan from Nessus (Network scan) as malicious and blocking the connections as intended. However, I was hoping to find a way to silence the alerts while maintaining the block action. Is this possible? Thank you…
Stop full scan or set up full scan schedule from GravityZone
Hi All, I manage BitDefender for a number of customers from gravityzone portal. Is it possible to manage full scanning from there or set up full scan schedule. This is to prevent BitDefender from performing full scanning during business hours. Regards,
BitDefender blocking airplane wireless
I have clients where BD is blocking the wifi on airplanes. Seems to be an issue with captive portals being blocked. Is this a firewall issue? If so, any recommendations on fixing it?
Bitdefender and Domain Networks
This is more of a "is it just me" or does anybody else have these issues as it's driving me insane to the point I'm about to recommend removing BitDefender for an alternative solution. Problem 1 - Domain connectivity The biggest problem we have since BD was installed is that PCs just randomly drop off the network, mapped…
How to associate computer_id with endpointId
There's an existing post that went unanswered about this same topic: https://community.bitdefender.com/en/discussion/92024/how-to-use-computer-id-and-endpointid-in-public-apis Endpoints contain an id, which some events contain as endpointId. However, some events only contain a computer_id, no endpointId. The ids are not…
Remove our domain from your blacklist
Hi Please remove ASAP grupostg.com from your pishing list, it was listed on virustotal.com Thanks
How to use computer_id and endpointId in Public APIs
We are trying to build automation with Bitdefender APIs (https://www.bitdefender.com/business/support/en/77209-125277-public-api.html). But we are facing one issue. Most of the Bitdefender Events have field "computer_id". Some events have both fields "computer_id" and "endpointId". Are they the same? If not, why are they…
Incidents rule
Hi, is possible to change detected thread from blocking to just reported? i have false-positive thread and connected to pc is blocking also i do not want to disable filter trafic to that PC.
Bitdefender Gravity and network scan tool (ignore it as port scan to be blocked)
Dear Community, is there a way within Bitdefender Gravity to tell the system that a "network scan" from a specific IP is absolutley fine? We do make use of a network inventory scan tool which tries to access several IPs on several ports. Bitdefender recognizes it as "blocked scan port" (in german "Blockierter Scan Port").…
GravityZone linux: how to prevent bduitool to move malicious files to the quarantine?
I'm using GravityZone BEST Linux (latest version) to detect possible malicious files on Linux servers. To do that I'm running the command: bduitool scan -s custom /path/to/folder/ As any detected file is automatically removed and moved to the quarantine, there's any way to disable this behavior? I just need the files to be…
Meldung von Bitdefender - EDR Modul
Hallo, ich habe folgende Meldung erhalten im BD Gravity - Vorfälle Malware MimikatzForgetKerberosTicketLogon gefunden Wie kann ich das Problem beheben? und was kann es bei mir am PC machen? Hab es seit gestern
Follina Vulnerability
On my gravity zone portal it's showing at 6 devices (10 windows devices in total) are showing as having the Follina Vulnerability. In the text it shows I need to install the latest updates which I did on Monday on all 6 PCs however they're still showing as having it. Is this either: - 1) The problem is still there and the…
Installation Error using Kaseya
I am attempting to install BD using the Kaseya integration. The computers that I am installing are in China. The installations work in the US just fine. The error that I am getting is 17000. The error is coming from the certutil -decode in the BESTDetectRMMT lines 62-64. The particular server is a 2012 and the workstations…
Getting lots of reports from my users that the internet is either slow or not usable
Doing a repair on Endpoint Security seems to fix it for a bit until updates are download. Removal fixes it period. Was a bad update pushed out?
Bitdefender GravityZone - Install only patching module.
Hello, I would like some help to know if it is possible to add a computer to the patch management scope on Bitdefender Gravityzone, without installing Bitdefender but solely that specific module. Can someone clarify this, please? Thanks!