Alert's detailed information disappeared
I have Bitdefender Totat Security From time to time all information about alerts disappear from list. I saw pop up message, but cannot see details: The only thing that helps - total uninstall and then install new instance of Bitdefender. I did it already 4-5 times (ones per 2-3 weeks I believe). Could you please…
How can I view the scan reports?
I have system scans scheduled and I have no way of knowing if they happened and I can't find them
my Box doesn't list my Aura Mason Luxe photo frame as being on my WiFi. Why not?
Shouldn't the Aura Mason Luxe be recognized by my Bitdefender Box as being a live, connected device on my WiFi? Does the fact that the Aura Mason Luxe is not being recognized by the Box create a network security vulnerability?
Recently when I have used Bing as a search engine I get multiple warnings like the one below
Suspicious connection blocked 25 minutes ago Feature: Online Threat Prevention msedge.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an unmatching security certificate to wwwbing.com. We blocked the connection to keep your data safe since the used certificate was issued for a different web address than the targeted one.
Unable to download PDFs on Chrome after installing Bitdefender.
Hello, I was unable to locate an answer on here by searching so far. After installing Bitdefender onto my Macbook, I am not unable to download any file or PDF while using Chrome. I have tried updating to the latest Chrome version, tried using incognito mode, gone through the extensions to try to allow downloads, but can…
Bitdefender using 13GB in programdata
Hi. Windows 10 21H1, Bitdefender antivirus (not free) latest version (can't see how to get the version number). Bitdefender using 13GB in programdata/Bitdefender/Desktop/EnginesTemp. Is there any way to reduce/tidy up this data? Thanks very much.
My paid for Bitdefender just popped up an ad for "Matrix Resurrections"
I am absolutely shocked. I purchased AV software so I wont get nagged for ads, and also so my kids wont get pop ups ask what this is about. It is not even for a Bitdefender product . it is for a Movie. Now my kids who are not old enough to see the movie will be bugging me to see it. that is not Bitdefender problem, but I…
Why does my ability to access the internet stop working prior to a Bit Defender update?
Hi, I'm just a regular PC user and not an IT expert by any means but am wondering if anyone could help me with some answers to the below. All thoughts gratefully received. Background: Every other day, I switch on my 10 year old* 64bit PC running Windows 10 and now Windows 11, and every time, my internet…
...I've been try to fix this for months: Bitdefender Blocks Server Access to Most Sites
Hi I'm new to Bitdefender. After being happy with ESET for over 5 years, I decided to switch to Bitdefender. There was nothing wrong with ESET - I read so many great reviews about Bitdefender, that I decided to give it a try. Here's the problem - Bitdefender is interfering with web access. I constantly get server cannot be…
Horrible Customer Support. DO NOT BUY
I have been a paying subscriber for 10 years with Bitdefender and the support/customer service was excellent back then. NOW THEY DON'T EVEN REPLY TO MY MESSAGE OF A SERIES OF CRITIAL BUGS. I have sent 24 emails over the course of the last 2 months with no answer what-so-ever (remember i'm paying for this ). I guess with…
I'm trying to install bitdefender remotely through Kaseya and I'm having issues
Whenever I try to synch agents, nothing seems to happen and the status stays as "skipped". Does anyone have any tips on how to resolve this issue. Thanks!
Suspicious Activity
Is there a way to keep the "Suspicious Activity" pop-up from continually popping up? It is bothersome to the point that I am going to switch back to my previous (unnamed software.) It is like a kid stopping a game every time he gets a point to tell everyone about it.
Suspicious Connection Blocked popup
Bitdefender Total Security, updated today Windows 10 Pro V. 10.0.19042 As of this morning (prior to BDTS auto update) I am getting BD popups every few minutes saying "Suspicious Connection Blocked, We just blocked a suspicious connection to keep your device and data intact. You are safe!". When I click "See Details", the…
Bitdefender is broken and useless
With such amount of spamming notifications I regret I bought a subscription. The right f** moment I'm getting a notification every 3 seconds which moves focus from browser to notification and blocking my typing. It's like antivirus does not want me to write this angry post. This is absolutely unacceptable. We need to…
Is www.dealarious.com a safe site and authentic bitdefender dealer?
I found a bitdefender total security deal on this site www.dealarious.com, does anyone know if it is safe to buy there?
I can no longer see the different states where an Ip address is available, can anyone tell me why?
I was able to actually search for the particular state and or city in the United States where there were available IP addresses. Now for some reason I cannot do anything but automatically connect at random. Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening and what I can do to fix it. I would greatly appreciate some…
Keep getting the spining circle when using Nero
Hi I have Nero Burning ROM. From within the app when i select a folder and click to see sub folders or files i get the spinning circle. I have tried turning everything off in bitdefender and rebooting nothing seems to resolve the issue.
Blocked URL: https://sync.hgrtb.com
After the Win installation, I installed BitDefender. And to my surprise, the alerts appeared below. Blocked URL: https://sync.hgrtb.com/taboola msedge.exe tried to establish a connection to sync.hgrtb.com I have not installed any software on the notebook, only BitDefender. All softwares are original. Would anyone know how…
Zapis przelewów bankowych
Zapisuję przelewy bankowe. BD wymusza zapisywanie przelewów w folderze BitDefender SafePay. Chciałbym sam sobie wybierać folder zapisu. Czy jest taka możliwość?
BD can't see I have an internet connection when I try to run a scan ?
I can't scan BD can't see that I have a internet connection but I definitely do, so now what ?
Stop Notifications
is any one can explanain to me how to stop all this notifications please saying infected web page I just start feling anoing with all this regards
Bitdefender Blocking Rainmeter Installation!
Greetings to all. I'm having a weird problem with my Windows 10 notebook. I would like to install Rainmeter and try some of its skins. But whenever I try to install it, BitDefender is blocking the installation. Is it not secure for my system? I'm a little confused. Can anyone explain why I am having this kind of problem?
Data leak
I’ve just purchased bitfender and following a scan it shows two leaks as attached which I know nothing about nor do I have accounts with them so unsure how to resolve (dated from 2016)
Netgear Armor - Removing Old Device w/o Active Subscription
Hello! Hoping you can help as Netgear Support didn't have much to offer :) Back in April, I had a Netgear Orbi with Netgear Armor (BitDefender), but I returned the router. Last week, I picked up a new one after a failed attempt using something else. Everything is setup great, however if I go to the…
Why is Bitdefender issuing a hacked looking cert?
How do I turn this "Feature" off!
Virus from an Ethernet adapter?
Hello everybody. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. So today I was using a new iPhone Ethernet adapter plugged into a network switch that my windows laptop was also plugged into. Shortly after something appeared along taskbar of the laptop and then the screen started flashing. It was unresponsive so I turned it off…
How to allow starcraft 2 to run while i have my vpn on.
I tried disabling the firewall and ive tried adding the game to rules and game list
Jaka cyber kawa rozwiąże problemy związane z moim upośledzonym Inspironem
jest wasza w
Keeps saying it's not turned on
It keeps telling me to turn Bitdefender on. I click on it to turn it on and it comes back again. What could be the issue? Thank you.