How long has 24/7 Email and Chat Customer Service failed to work?
Please tell us how many weeks. Please tell us when Email and Chat Customer so-called 24/7 Service will work again!!!
Stuck during scan
After upgrade os to 10.15.14 my Bitdefender has problem with scaning hd. It stuck on random file from system/library folder. Also BDLdaemon has near 100% CPU usage. Sometimes it stuck on usr/bin/uux file. System restart does not solve problem. Do you have any similar issue?
Bit Defender Security Shield and Google Drive Desktop App Mac Constant Sync
Hi, Just trying to alert you. Since Google EOL'd Backup and Sync desktop app and replaced it with Google Drive App I had to replace/upgrade to Google Drive App locally. I have more than 800Gb on Google drive but I only sync/cache <500Mb locally. Since the upgrade my Drive was constantly trying to sync files (for days round…
How to make sure automatic update of the above product succeed always?
On both my Mac mini and Macbook Pro sometimes works and sometimes not. Why? I have the latest update for all my software including Nord VPN. How can automatic update of your aforementioned software work all the time?
How to remove Critical threats? MacOS Big Sur 11.6 (20G165)
Under Notifications in the critical tab I have many entries "Threat requires removal" Feature: Antivirus We identified a threat that needs to be manually removed. Threat name: URL.Spam.Heur.4 Path: /Volumes/My Book Thunderbolt Duo/Email Archiver Pro/email address/INBOX.Archive/2017/08/2017-08-28 10.11.16Z What Will You Buy…
Why do the same 4 threats keep reoccurring?
Hello everyone, Sorry if I'm being a bit slow, I'm a noob with anti virus software (never used any before). I'm currently testing out the trial version of Antivirus For Mac and during the recommended initial system scan, 6 threats were detected. One of them BD dealt with as expected (remnants of an application), and moved…
Bitdefender extensions crash Safari
Bitdefender Antivirus extensions crash Safari in macOS Monterey Beta 5 and Beta 6 (21A5506j). I found that the only way to use Safari is to disable Extensions using "defaults write com.apple.Safari ExtensionsEnabled 0" in Terminal. I can't go in and uninstall the specific Bitdefender extensions because I can't start up…
I didn't want the VPN application
I wanted Bitdefender AV, not a VPN bundled in too - especially one that needs a separate subscription to be useful. I've tried moving the VPN application to the bin from Launchpad (I'm on a Mac) but that doesn't work. Is there any way to remove the VPN application from my Mac? I really don't want it or need it - I have a…
MacOS Monterey on MBP M1
I am unable to update or reinstall Bitdefender after an upgrade from Big Sur to Monterey (beta). Is there a fix for this issue. Thanks
Desktop drive aliases randomly display the Bitdefender icon
Why do my NAS drive aliases on the desktop randomly switch between the generic Mac "hard drive" graphic and the Bitdefender icon (red square with a white "B")? This has been going on for years...it stopped recently with all aliases showing the proper icon, but over the past couple days each one has switched back to the…
Please let us configure notifications
Bitdefender for Mac displays frequent "The update was installed successfully" notifications. Please give us an option to suppress this one notification without turning off all notifications. Most other notifications would be for things we should respond to, but you're currently training us to ignore notifications from…
Terminal commands always prompt for access
New bug in 7.x, when I exit a terminal window (iTerm or built in Terminal) BitDefender prompts me with a Safe Files warning dialog (first screen shot). It won't let me permanently trust this action. All I can do is trust for 5 minutes, trust once, or block forever. It also does this at times when I do simple commands like…
Webcam Protection
I see on the windows version there is a place under security to protect your webcam. What protections, if any are there for webcams with Bitdefender AntiVirus for Mac? Thank you in advance,
Firefox Downloads Blocked - unable to reset
Hello, After every reboot of my Macbook, Bitedefender "forgets" that Firefox is in the "allowed" list of applications which can download files. This is extremely annoying as I have a number of files I want to download form the web, but, I can only do this after adding Firefox to the allowed list every time I want to…
Mac antivirus to Bitdefender Total Security 2019
Is it possible to upgrade from Bitdefender Mac Antivirus to Bitdefender Total Security 2020 ?
Device not appearing in devices list
I am running Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac on two machines. The app seems to scan my files and provide protection. However, only one of the two machines appears in the list of devices. How do I get the other device to show up?
Safe Files interfering with Dropbox
Hello I had all the folders under my Username folder protected with Safe Files. Between these folders I have the Dropbox folder. About 1 month ago I started receiving a message from Bitdefender every time I restarted the Mac telling me that the app Dropbox was blocked from accessing content. At the same time Dropbox sync…
New Subscription this is so confusing
if i new its going to be such pain activating this product, i wouldn't buy it. issues: is keep asking for activations even tho i have provided multiple times i have active subscription, (i have purchased 3 devices and 2 ios devices plan). i have purchased paid subscription, but in the portal its still showing i am using a…
BD Profile Log
This concerns Bitdefender Total Security and I have a Mac using the latest version of Catalina. Installed BTS recently, but have never been able to click on the "B" in the toolbar and view the main page. I get one of the screens associated with installation instead. Actually, the main screen will sometime show for a split…
Bitdefender console on Mac OS Big Sur won't start
I've been having a problem with CPU and memory usage on my Mac and in addition to Spotlight, Bitdefender seems to be a major culprit of that. I added some exclusions, but then after a restart the BD console won't start. I get no menu bar icon and can't start it from the applications list either. I have the BD Agent there…
iTunes does not detect iphone or ipad
After installing bitdefender for Mac (masOS High Sierra 10.13.2) a few days ago, iTunes no longer detects my iPhone or iPad. I'm using iTunes Both the iPhone and iPad have the latest versions. All worked before bitdefender was installed. I've also stopped scanning but that does not help.
Can't grant full acess to MAC HDD (bigsur op.system)
Hallo to all, i just bought Bitdefender and i need to grant full acess to HDD, but i will confirm, it asked me, if i need to restart app - yes, I do, and it asked me again to grant acess and it goes round and round.. Is there any solution? A previous antivirus worked fine Thank you for help
Anti-Theft functions
Am I correct that the Anti-theft functions are not working on Mac at the moment. Or am I missing something If not, is there any idea if this will be added? Thanks!
Protect Time Machine on external drive when other external drives are NOT protected?
I'm writing to ask about a potential huge flaw in protection of Time Machine by Bitdefender. I'm using Bitdefender Small Office Security, but the same issue applies to other Bitdefender products for Macs. Bitdefender allows you to select specific folders to be protected in the case of ransomware. However, you can NOT…
Permission Denied building CPP file in Visual Studio Code
When I run the below given code on Visual Studio Code, first Building it, but it shows: > Executing task: g++ -g main.cpp < d:/software/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot open output file a.exe: Permission denied collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status The terminal process…
Where do my 'Threat sucessfully deleted' files go for false positives?
In MacOS Catalina (10.15.7) running on Intel, I get 17 'Threat sucessfully deleted' files when compiling Wine 6.0. Where did these files go and how can I mark them as false positives?
Bitdefender Main Window Blocked on Big Sur 11.3.1
Trying my luck here... I've opened a ticket with BitDefender Support, and have not had any luck - I keep getting asked for information already provided in the original ticket. Situation: I have been running Bitdefender Antivirus for the Mac for a couple years now w/no issues until now. After upgrading MacOS to BigSur…
MacOS Big Sur
I installed Anti-Virus, VPN one the all the family Macs but inadvertently also installed Parental Control on a MacBook Air running Big Sur. I dont need Parental Control on this MacBook but I have not been able to uninstall the product! The uninstaller runs and I am able to uninstall the Ant-Virus and VPN without issue, but…
Main interface won't appear - also is this the same software as the one in the App store?
I purchased and downloaded the software from the Bitdefender website for a Mac, running Mojave. On install, I get as far as logging in to the 'Bitdefender Agent' panel, get prompted to input a system password, and then the Bitdefender agent window disappears and nothing else happens. No other interface. If I open up the…
Update Error -1007
Hi, what steps do I follow on Mac to resolve this update error?