Why do some online shopping sites, like Target, not seem to work on VPN?
I have tried shopping on Target but the search results will not load. I have deleted cookies and tried Firefox and Chrome, then I realized my VPN was on. Turned it off and everything loaded. What is Bitdefender's advice to shop online while staying connected to the VPN?
Split Tunneling not working
I asked this question previously, but I lost the thread. VPN will not let me access my Ring.com account, even when I have added Ring.com to my split tunnel list. What can I do to resolve this? Thank you.
Very slow internet using VPN
I have been testing the BD VPN, and I want to like it.....BUT, I have gig speed. On one wired desktop computer with speeds normally at 950mbps, VPN takes it down to 50-100. My second WIFI desktop normally hits 250mbps, VPN takes it down to single digits. This can not be right? Anyone? Thank you.
Why does Bitdefender VPN stop connecting after a few minutes?
I was told Bitdefender was comparable to Kaspersky VPN. I had to choose an alternative because Kaspersky's going away. I never had this issue with Kaspersky and it's frustrating. I have Bitdefender VPN on my android phone and it sucks. I'm older than dirt and not necessarily tech savvy and all these silly work arounds to…
Why Do I Keep Getting Blocked Out
I have 3 sites that I've entered on Split-Tunneling and it when I go to those sites VPN connects and I have to un -connect it. While on site it will re-connect again. Amazon.ca is one of the sites and when I just went to submit my order it connected, had to un-connect. Other sites to bypass, DON'T BLOCK are a tournaments…
Unified Wintun
I am not able to connect with my broadband WiFi, and after 2 hours, I got Unified Winton 2 Internet. I got a message saying that Bitdefender is blocking my Internet connection! Is this a fault your end Bitdefender? If so, please fix it.
UnifiedSDK.Service.exe crash?
I noticed that after installing Bitdefender VPN I noticed a new crash kept happening linked to Bitdefender VPN, here are the details: Description Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender VPN\UnifiedSDK.Service\UnifiedSDK.Service.exe Problem signature Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application…
Solamente con l'IP VPN ripetutamente Google mi risponde con quanto visibile nello screenshot allegato. W11 pro, Bitdefender VPN premium, MozillaFirefox. help me!
UnifiedSDK.Service.exe blocks access to Internet
I'm sorry to say this but the new VPN is unusable as it is. There is no way to stop the VPN from running even if you state you don't want it starting up with windows, it just does it's own thing. Then UnifiedSDK.Service.exe blocks all internet access. I mean all access. If I check network setting is tells me there is no…
VPN open's unwanted ports
Dear Bitdefender Team / research team. I'm struggling to understand the best protection possible to my devices?! Wonder IF I could get some professional enlighten. So, I'm using an external router with a firewall dropping external requests to ports (not netgear) and I'm using a windows sandbox with VPN turned on (doesn't…
Can't connect the VPN with a Windows 7 PC
I have read and tried the solutions presented to no avail. First off, I am not a "Tech" person and struggle with and lot of directions as most answers assume that I know where or what you a talking about. I currently use Private VPN services, and "yes" it is off while trying to start this VPN., The only response I can see…
new VPN connection problem
The "update" has resulted in my being unable to get the new Bitdefender VPN to connect. And, yes, I read the suggested answers and tried repeatedly to fix it. Especially annoying since I have paid for this.
VPN disconnecting
Hi All My Bitdefender VPN keeps disconnecting rsndomly and I keep getting error 8200 broken tunnel. I have reinstalled several times and logged in and out several times. I tried the flush DNS and that seemed to work for a day or two but after that its started again. I cant find any reference to error 8200 in the FAQ's or…
What am I doing wrong with Split Tunneling?
I use Amazon's security camera, Ring, through both my phone and PC. Ring will not allow me log in onto my PC unless the disconnect the Bitdefender VPN. Per instructions, I went to advanced settings, selected Split Tunneling and added Ring.com as a site to by-pass the VPN. Restated: I am unable to log into Ring when…
Split tunneling & c:\program files\windowsapps folder. Windows 11 Pro
Good morning everyone. I'd like to know if Bit Defender VPN can handle split tunneling at the process level instead of just URLs and .exe or .com files. In this case I'm referring to Skype installed from the Microsoft Store, which has the executable residing in the %program files%\windowsapps folder, which is known not to…
Problems with new VPN-app and Whatsapp
Since I started using the new VPN app from Bitdefender, WhatsApp desktop no longer works. I used split tunneling for this problem in the past. This works no longer because I cannot find the .exe from whatsapp (hidden in c:\program files\windowsapps which is blocked by microsoft). Now I have to disconnect VPN to use…
My data usage (on Windows) shows two hydra.exe using up data. why is there two showing
I Give Up, BD VPN Just Will Not work Here
At home where I'm on fiber, everything works fine but out here, I can't use it. By "out here" I mean my summer place in CO mountains where my "high speed internet" is 10mb at best download and 2mb upload. Latency is quadrupled with the VPN on. Half of my websites don't load. Click off the VPN, things work fine.…
Error 99 IMAC Sonoma
I cant seem to get my VPN connected ….Keeps coming up with Error 99 and will not connect…I had a Mac air book and never had any problems connecting, I just prchased a new IMAC and renewed my subscription and all I get is error 99 ? Please help, Thank You
VPN - BBC iPlayer not working
Hello, Recently purchased premium VPN so I can watch BBC iPlayer and other UK based tv channels. However, the VPN is not working on BBC iPlayer. Anyone got any recommendations? Thanks
Split tunnelling
Does anyone have any recommendations or fixes on why I can't get split tunnel to work properly?When I use whatismyip.com to check whether or not it is working, the site will always tell me the VPN IP.
Tor not connecting Hydra.Sdk.Windows.Service.exe high cpu usage
Hydra.Sdk.Windows.Service.exe seems to be blocking tor browser use,and only 16% on task manager but 98% cpu dropped to 23% when ending task. Is Hydra.Sdk.Windows.Service.exe strictly needed to run vpn and security suite?
Will you guys please, please, please stop screwing with my internet connection!
This new VPN is such an annoyance. I will start it up when I need it. Now I have to ope, close, open. close etc etc… for 10 minutes before the VPN will stop working and I have my internet connection back. Then I have to do this again after 10 minutes. After that it will leave me alone. Also I have a 1000Mbit connection and…
VPN fails to reconnect after sleep while Kill Switch is active
My Windows 10 Pro (22H2) laptop is often slept while connected to Wi-Fi and Bitdefender VPN with Kill Switch active. When the computer wakes, the system automatically reconnects to Wi-Fi, but there's no internet. Cool. The Kill Switch works. The problem is that Bitdefender VPN fails to reconnect. It tries and fails. When I…
VPN on PS5 for Call of Duty
I just got an orbi from NETGEAR. Love the thing and its features, but how do I use a VPN while playing call of duty? Basically, how do I get the “bot” lobbies?
RE: Problems with Tabtouch and VPN?
G'day Bitdefender team! I use the betting site TABtouch for betting on the horses here in Western Australia (this betting site is exclusive to Western Australia) and since the new design/upgrade for the VPN I seem to have problems with the TABtouch site when the VPN is on. The VPN location I use is a Australia, however I…
Bitdefender VPN is uninstalling at boot time
Within the past couple of weeks, twice my installation of BitDefender VPN has been uninstalled by something. I have had to reinstall it twice. I can't boot my computer without Bitdefender VPN disappearing with the exception of the desktop icon which is now a generic Windows shortcut icon with no properties. How can I fix…
Is there a way to pull metadata on the devices that were linked to my services, e.g., VPN, Password?
Is there a way to access metadata including date, time, location, devices, IMEI or BSSID? How can I access the data myself? Or, do I need to submit an Ic3, identity theft, fraud claim and/or police report in order to get a subpoena? I experienced an account takeover and SIM swap by an intimate partner that did access my…
Vpn vs aplicații bancare
Unele banci nu accepta VPN pe aplicatia lor bancara chiar dacă dispozitivul este conectat cu locație de Romania. Care ar fi motivul ? Sa nu fiu hackuit din afara.?!......
Must disconnect VPN for GoogleServices/Screen Size Too large now
Just saying, I have to disconnect, then reconnect VPN when using Google Search. Bummer. Also, I have to minimize VPN now, as the window is too large and no setting option.