Where on BD website can I find which BD services I have paid for?
Two days ago, I paid £39.98 for BD Digital Identity Protection, which I installed and used before exiting, finding that I had not been subjected to any identity threats. Later, after closing down the PC, I decided to re-enter the app but do not know how to. There is no shortcut on the desktop for BDIP, nor is it included…
Subscription Issue
Hi guys. I have a problem with my subscription. It says on the dashboard that I have 29 days left of my trial and to buy now.....I purchased a licence before this and activated it. It keeps saying I have to add a device which I did and it says I have 12 months licence but still says I have 29 days left of my trial and then…
Stop auto renewal
Used "How to change Auto-Renewal settings – Method 2 :. Does not Work !!!. Only got Service details and device allocation. It used to be easy to stop auto renew. Now it takes jumping through hoops. Seems to be deliberate to make it more difficult. Method 1 even worse !!!
How many seats are provided on the Atera Trial of Bitdefender
We have installed about 100 devices using about 5 companies. Some devices in a company are active, some say expired. They were all successful installations. How many devices are allowed on the trial? Thanks,
Please I would like to know i can use bitdefinder family for unlimited devices including phones and gadgets. th you
Actualizacion a Family pack
Hello, I just purchased a Family Pack of 15 licenses. Before I had Total security installed, I bought the Family pack because they said it was the same product, but I have already realized that it is not. If it were the same product, it would be enough to update the license and perhaps the software, but no. I had to…
automatic renewal
Trying to stop automatic renewal, but getting nowhere. can anybody help !!
Unlimited licence changed to 15 device? Scam?
Hi all Today i discovered my licence was changed without any question and contact from support site from unlimited to 15 devices. So suddenly 20 devices lost protection, protection which i payd 2 years ago! I understand new licences are cutted to 15 devices and that is ok. But why old? Its illegal and looks like a…
VPN subscription offer not working.
Hi there. Why is the 30Euro a year offer from https://www.bitdefender.nl/media/html/consumer/trial/vpn-opt/?force_country=nl&campaign=RENEWAL-CPG-VPN-XZH&event=RENEWAL_UP_VPN&channel=IMM&l&ems-cid=3561&ems-uid=LDRgBjH4Oy not working when you get to the cart page…
Word er bij automatische verlenging ook automatisch geld van de rekening genomen?
question of more than 10 devices required to install bitdefender.
Dear All. Just wonder, for more than 10 devices required to install bitdefender (total security), do I purchases two copy of 10 devices, and used on single account. i.e. in https://central.bitdefender.com/subscriptions/services, click on "+Activate with code", for more than once, and add more than one code in. Thank you.…
Why can't I find an unsubscribe option in my account?
Shouldn't subscribers be able to unsubscribe at their account settings instead of waiting for an email, 5 days before auto renewal, that would normally end in the spam folder? Bitdefender uses a very deceptive tactic to obtain auto renewals.
Auto renewal issue
Hi, I've used BD for several years now and my subscription was due to renew in a week. I bought a sub from you on Amazon a couple if weeks ago and succesfully added it Bitdefender Central and it correctly extended my sub for 2 years. Today I received an email from Bitdefender/2Checkout to say my sub will auto renew in 7…
Extending existing Family pack 15 Devices license
Hello, I have active Family pack 15 Devices license that gets expired in xx/2025. I recently bought similar product from NewEgg 15 Devices/2 year license. It was my understadning that similar product licnese gets extended (have done it in past) but in this case when I try to activate code, my license does not show new…
If I enter a new activation code, when does my subscription take effect
My sunbscription to Bitdefender has expired and I have purchased a new activation code. If I enter a new activation code, will the subscription start on the day I enter it, or on the day my last subscription expired? The reason is that my old subscription had two expiration dates, somehow. I was getting emails telling me…
pas possible d'installer mon nouvel abonnement
j’ai actuellement un abonnement valide jusqu’en juillet 2021. je viens d’activer une nouvelle clé mais je n’arrive pas à installer mon nouveau produit. dois désinstaller celui en cours pour pouvoir installer le nouveau ? Merci
Can I extend my subscription with a purchased from reseller version
We have Family Pack, and I can buy from a reliable reseller for $60 for a two-year subscription. Can I use this version to renew my existing subscription? If so, how?
My mobile phone security said expired but my bank was debited $14.95. My security on my phone hasn't updated. Do you know why? Or what should I do?
How does it work on a Formatted computer?
My laptop has a Bitdefender total security subscription, but it´s having some issues with the screen, reason why i'm sending it to be repaired or whatever they can do to it. Thing is, there's a chance that the people who fix it will reset it to factory settings. So How would that affect my Bitdefender subscription? Will i…
Bitdefender activates product at purchase
I bought a renewal for the Bitdefender Family product on the 7th December 2021. I paid around $70 Australian dollars. When my subscription was about to run out, on February 6th 2022, I found that I had lost two months because Bitdefender had activated at purchase. To extend my subscription at 5th February, Bitdefender…
Paid subscriprion code no more shown
Hi. As i wrote in the title i've had a paid subscription code that i reedemed in October 2021 and it non more appears in "my subscription". Bitdefender is inactive in all installation. Why?
Cant seem to login in my account on https://central.bitdefender.com/home
I put my user and password, then the 2fa auth code and when page reloads, takes me back to login page again. This is in several browsers, on several PCs, Windows, Mac and safari on my iPhone. May I get some help please? I can make a video proof. Thanks in advance.
Purchased with PayPal subscription not active
I literally just paid for a subscription through PayPal (watched you take my money)! I've just installed the product and it's not allowing me to activate the product. In central it says my product is no active and at risk and my subscription isn't active.
Amazon Fire 8 tablet
Is there a version of Bitdefender for the Amazon Fire 8 tablet?
Subscription Problem and I am pretty annoyed!
I have and have had Bitdefender Total Security for a number of years, I have always used the same 5 devices slots. But when I used my laptop (PAUL-PC), I found that it is no longer among my 5 and the page on Bitdefender Central is telling me that it is "At Risk" and "Devices limit reached" even though my account says "This…
Subscription renewal
If I renew before my subscription expires is the original subscription extended?
jerry stacey
how do i cancel auto renewal........?
Only 1 device recognized by BD Total Security
I have 2 devices running BDTS on a subscription that allows 5 devices. Only 1 device shows on the app and at BD Central. When I change the name of the device, my wife's laptop gets renamed in BD. When I change configurations, her configuration changes as well. How can I get BD to recognize each individual device?
I like to know how to install Internet Security on my Laptop and PC.
I have Antivirus Plus before and yesterday I purchased Internet security. I can download the .exe file but I can't run and install it. Could you please guide me how to do?
updating licenses within the download program
why can't when I order a new license Bitdefender can't or more like update my program. they say it will happen after my current subscription expires? Is that true? when someone orders a new subscription why can't Bitdefender like everyone else just add the new time? so say that my subscription ends in 18 days and I buy a…