How do I set up account to pay monthly?
Can I transfer Bitedefender from old machine to a new one?
Activation key
can any one has the Activation key free for registration .
From Family pack to Total security
Hello , i have an active family pack with 10users, I purchase total security. can i transfer the devices to the total subscription without downloading it via email to each device? thanks in advance!
Buonasera, vi espongo quello che ho fatto: Ho acquistato Bitdefender Total Security ed ho ottenuto il codice di attivazione Ho scaricato Bitdefender Total Security (quello valido 30 giorni) Ho creato il mio account per Bitdefender Central Nell'attivare il prodotto HO inserito la spunta per provare il prodotto per 30 gg con…
Multiple devices
I currently have nine Apple devices. Over the past several years, we have replaced phones and added new iPads and a desktop. I’m trying to distinguish which devices are which so I can delete ones I don’t want and add on new ones. I currently have a Family Pack. I got a new Iphone 12 and gave my husband my Iphone 7 and…
How can I see which device is not using Total Security?
Basically, I have 5 devices set up on my account. 2 PCs and 3 mobile devices. The Central dashboard shows 4 are using Total Security, and 1 is using mobile security for Android. Why arent all 5 set up on Total Security? Is there a way I can find out which one and upgrade it? Or would I need to reinstall the app?
I have renewed my subscription, received the activation code but unable to activate or signin to cen
Netgear Armor and other Bitdefender services
I asked this same question in VPN's, but I think it might apply her as well. If you have already seen it, sorry and go ahead to the next topic, Thanks! I have a Netgear Mesh router and I got Armor from Bitdefender activated with it. So that it supposed to help take care of any threats that come to the WIFI. Then, Armor…
I want to cancel my subscription. How am I supposed to do it?
FYI, there is no "My payments tab" in the account page.
Stop centralized logging?
Is it possible to block clients from sending threat notifications to Bitdefender Central?. I shouldn't be able to see which insecure websites my boss or co-workers were trying to access and vice versa. I think that this is questionable in terms of data protection, to say the least. Best regards Alex
limitation on devices
I bought a Bitdefender Family Pack 2019 for unlimited devices but now I notice that the installation is limited to 15 devices. How is that possible?
renew before due date
morning - just wondered if any one knows - if i take a renew deal - say today as its in a deal and would be silly not too - will it activate straight away - not due to expire exsisting one for at least another month - second part of question is if i purchase deal now - will also overwrite the auto renew that is set in…
How To Cancel Auto-Renew
I just renewed my subscription to Bitdefender and there were some glitches in the auto-renew that are now solved. I want to make sure that next year I can renew on my own with no auto-renewal but I can't find how to cancel auto-renew.
Supprimer le renouvellement automatique
Bonsoir, Moi, j'y suis arrivé, mais que cela a été long ! BD devrait faciliter l'accès à cette fonction, beaucoup trop difficile à trouver. Et en plus, on a ensuite droit à des commentaires dans des fenêtres qui poussent à conserver le renouvellement automatique. Ce n'est pas loyal, ce n'est pas bon pour l'image de…
Subscription problem
I have had a message that I must renew my annual subscription in 31 days, yet I bought my initial subscription in June 2021. Why have I lost 3 months protection? Regards, Ken
credit card informations
Could someone tell me how or where can I change my credit card information online?
Een abonnement voor 3 wordt 2
Sinds begin maart mijn abonnement verlengt voor 3 apparaten en nu krijg ik telkens een melding dat het toestellimiet is bereikt bij 2 ! Zie afbeelding !
hello i a bitdefender subscription on laptop how do get the same subscription on my cell phone and
What exactly am I subscribed to? Or charged for?
I recently took out a subscription to Bitdefender Total Security, including the restricted trial version of the VPN. I do not intend using the VPN or the Password manager, as I have other arrangements for these services. I am however happy to continue using all the other components of Bitdefender. Today I received an email…
merging subscriptions
I am a subscriber to Bitdefender Total Security and VPN and received an invitation to save by renewing early. I thought this was a good idea and assumed that my existing subscription would simply be renewed upon expiry which is in April and May of this year. If I activate now I loose 2 months cover of my existing cover…
What do you do if you renewed the wrong product?
I meant to renew my subscription for Total Security but instead ended up renewing my subscription for Bitdefender Premium VPN. Can anything be done about this?
Additional subscription codes?
Hello all! I have, today setup Bitdefender on 2 Windows PC's, 2 iPad's and an iPhone after deciding, after many years to drop my current solution due to security concerns. I purchased, via Amazon UK a product key card for Total Security, 5 devices, 1 year. This was much more cost effective than buying directly from the…
Stop Renewal
Used "How to change Auto-Renewal'' settings but it Does not Work. Only found 'Service details' and 'Device allocation'. How can I do it??
Adding mobile to subscription after trial version
After activating my subscription on my laptop I chose my mobile as my second device. It activated a trial for some reason which ends tomorrow. I've deleted it from my phone and gone through Central to reactivate the subscription to it instead but it won't work. Am I right in I'm assuming it might tomorrow? But in the…
Convert Mac to PC
Hi, I just recently moved from Mac to PC. Is there any way to move my bitdefender Mac license to PC? Thanks.
52y 2m 15d 10h into my first day
I have just installed Bitdefender Central for the 1st time today. I also just started my 14 day free trail of Bitdefender Security. Yet Bitdefender is reporting that Bitdefender has been servicing longer than both I and Bitdefender has been alive. Not even the age of the home computer or the internet has been around for…
Perchè nel Bitdefender centrale vedo solo 4 dispositivi?
My Payments Does not renew Subscription
Hi, I have tried chatting/phoning/emailing support, and yet now one responds (phone is incorrect as listed). I have purchased (as shown in my payments) Small Office Security , but it does not applied to my subscription (which has now expired). If anyone is still their please respond . (Bitdefender ID:…
How can I manually renew my subscription?
Received an email today telling me that my auto-renewal had failed and inviting me to click on links in the email to rectify the situation. As a rule I don't follow links in unsolicited emails even when it appears to be from someone I do business with. In this case you're also dealing with a third party reseller so there's…