How to remove the infection?
Seems I have been infected with JS:Trojan.Cryxos.5957 and it was moved to quarantine. In 'Safe Mode' I deleted the main directory competely - \AppData\Local\Packages\Appleinc.iCloud and all associated files. I uninstalled Icloud completely, including Outlook connection data. Re-booted, System Scan - ALL CLEAR. Re-installed…
Safe Search not work in Google (Microsoft Edge)
When I search in the Microsoft Edge browser in Google search, I have no Safe Search indications (green circles, etc.). Through Bing search it works. I Have BitDefender Internet Security and latest Microsoft Edge (Win 11)
Moved: Special offers and Notification Turned off but still getting them - Bitdefender Free
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Why is www.eclipsebroadband.co.uk blocked?
When I try and access My ISP's home page I get: Dangerous page blocked for your protection https://www.eclipsebroadband.co.uk/Dangerous pages attempt to install software that can harm the device, gather personal information or operate without your consent. Is it a real problem? The reason I went there was because I'd lost…
Opera or Bitdefender?
I keep encountered that the Gmail or LinkedIn unable to reached on this few days.(For other webpage working well as well) But when I using other browse such as chrome, it's working. I didn't see any news or post about the system down. Anyone encounter similar issue with me? Do you guys have any solution how to overcome…
Moved: How do I decrease the device gravity through security management?
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Bitdefender Warning about a site I don't know
Hello everyone! So I am getting a warning message about this website each time i simply google something. I had every tab closed except for the one I used to search for this forum and still got that message. A system scan revealed no threats, however this makes me rather insecure 😰 I use chrome Max
there is still non alarm-off function problem
it is revealed since a few years ago alarm-off function is a very fundamental option for all the programs but this program doesn't have alarm-off function. i know there is some, but not for all. i want to run this program without alarms like in the game play..
ushoe krijg ik watchvideo video van mijn laptop? Jozefo
ATD keeps blocking powershell, how to get rid of it?
Powershell keeps being blocked witjh the following command lines: powershell -ep bypass -c &{$y= gc eCednSi.log; $y | iex}) Avery method to get rid of it or to find the cause did fail, what should I do? Thank you very much
Unable to scan external devices
I have BitDefender antivirus plus build installed on Windows 11 Pro. For some odd reason, the BitDefender options in the context menu are unavailable (even if you click the show more options). This stops my ability to scan external devices I attach to my computer. Any help is appreciated.
not restored from quarantine
BD quarantined and the restore did not work was an archive file. can it not be made to ask me i know what i am doing. should also be possible to have a folder excepted by adavnaced threat defense
How to stop loop between BD quarantaining files and OneDrive syncing them back onto my Laptop
Dear community, After an unfortunate SSD crash and replacement, I had to reeinstall everything from Windows to all software and local documents and files. The last step was to instruct OneDrive to sync the Documents folder (containing several thousands of files) back from the cloud onto the local disk. When OneDrive…
Daily Malware
I just installed the suite of BitDefender products and one of my laptops has to be cleared daily of malware. Isn't this what is supposed to be prevented?
Multi device privacy
If I give a friend one of my 3 device protection links then would they be able to see stuff like my threat detection history and would they have access to remote options or would our 2 device be completely separate from each other with no way to access info about anything except for our own devices?
Window update?
After installed the Bitdefender, I keep receiving these notifications. I believe is related to windows or team, can anyone tell me should I allow this access? Or any way can let the Bitdefender accept it if this is valid? Btw, my windows is windows 11. Thank you.
Bitdefender komplett abschalten.
Moin Kann man den Bitdefender für kurze Zeit komplett abschalten? Danke.
Recurring infection in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\1176\65069.exe
Hi everyone, My device was infected with a malware. After scanning it with bitdefender the malware was cleaned but I keep getting a recurring infection which the AV cleans but it occurs every 15-20 minutes. Any idea what can be done about it? The antivirus claims to clean it but there's nothing in the quarantine or in the…
File manager so slow
Hi, since 2 days Bit Defender Total security on my notebook. Since them file manager acitivities are temporarely so slow. How to fix ?
AV Full scan causing memory exhaustion
Anyone else experiencing a memory leak issue during full AV scans? I have 6 Windows servers in my environment that during a full scan, 15-20 minutes into the scan, commit bytes for the epsecurityservice process start creeping up and soon uses all available virtual memory, until the server is unresponsive and must be hard…
Moved: DNS Secure
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Moved: Banking issue on Safepay
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How to add exception for a cPanel?
I am trying to log into my cPanel from inmotions and I get a security failure. I added the web address as an exception but it still doen't not allow the page. I have to turn off online protection to get to my cPanel. Please help.
Blocked file
I am trying to download a file and get the following message. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HarrydeBug/WSPR-transmitters/master/PC%20Software/Release/WSPR_TX_Config1_14.exe Threat name: Trojan.GenericKD.49407320 Others have checked this file with Avast Pro and and not found a problem. Can anyone help please
Cancel Subscription - Really dodgy
Hi, I have just cancelled my subscription and was met with this: Big buttons to keep the subscription and no button but a link with tiny text to cancel. I thought this crap was illegal, it certainly is in South Africa. Make it as hard as possible to end my subscription! And of course I cannot post an image or a link to the…
Total Security
How do you if the software protecting. Icon or meter?? Do you have to install extention or keep software open.
Moved: Bitdefender not allowing website access to Inland Revenue
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Hi, I'm done with BD. I am a software developer and a gamer and BD has wasted days of my time. I have logged many support requests and spent countless hours fighting with it, creating rules everywhere to try and fix things. Some feed back: Support is slow to respond and requires prodding before I get an answer. Creating…
Possivble issues with GoDaddy certs
Hi, we are seeing Bit Defender errors for Certs issues by GoDaddy. They claim there is nothing wrong with the cert, but Bit Defender is regularly popping up an unmatched security cert error. See image attached. Any ideas what is happening here?
Network printing slow down
I have a print management server on 2012r2 Server with around 10 Xerox printers on it. When Bitdefender is installed on any of the staff computers printing takes around 1min a 45 sec. When Bitdefender is uninstalled printing works normal and jobs take 4-10 seconds. I've disable the firewall in Bitdefender but that did not…