Two Forum Questions
I am just wondering if it is possible to "Unfollow" specific topics here and thus turn off notifications for new replies to that topic only. I know that I can turn off all notifications, but that is not what I want to do. Also, is there a way to copy the link for a specific post in a topic rather than only the link for the…
Is there anything I can do about BitDefender's completely unhinged memory usage?
It just keeps escalating it's memory usage and never releases any of it, causing my browser to spout out-of-memory errors, or cause system-wide stutters when I share my screen with friends, or simply bluescreen with the error citing memory problems. Searching around online only brings me to threads that are either…
Retrieving Removed Email by Bitdefender
Bitdefender had recently removed my emails (Microsoft Outlook) without first asking me. I couldn't find the emails anywhere (including junk folder) and I'm very sure the emails are not spam. I would like to know how can I retrieve those emails removed by Bitdefender. Thank you.
Network scan doesn't show Blink camera.
Hi , I have just installed Bitdefender central and done a network scan and it doesn't show my Blink camera. It is only showing my phone. I have checked on my ISP app and it is showing as being connected there. Any reason why it doesn't show up on the Bitdefender scan?
Bitdefender identified a Dell Firmware BIOS Update as an unwanted app:DBUtilDrv2.Sys is unwanted app
Does anyone know why Bitdefender would identify a Dell Firmware BIOS Update as an unwanted app? When I try to download and install the BIOS update I receive a popup from Bitdefender specifying that DBUtilDrv2.Sys is an unwanted app and then I receive a notification from Dell that the update failed. I tried adding the exe…
Is there no way Bitdefender can improve firewall rules addition and management?
Adding rules for multiple progs at once is painfully slowww. You have to click on the folder browser icon, get to the prog folder, select it, and then repeat that for every prog. The program won't even persist the folder you last visited. There has got to be a better way to quickly add a few rules. Maybe even a context…
Is there no way Bitdefender can improve firewall rules addition and management?
Adding rules for multiple progs at once is painfully slowww. You have to click on the folder browser icon, get to the prog folder, select it, and then repeat that for every prog. The program won't even persist the folder you last visited. There has got to be a better way to quickly add a few rules. Maybe even a context…
Add firewall rule via command line
I need remote access to my computer, and I have set a custom port on Remote Desktop to deter hackers. I created a rule in the firewall set to just that port number. All was well. Last week Bitdefender needed the computer to be rebooted. When that happened, it apparently deleted that rule from the firewall. I consider this…
Is there no way Bitdefender can improve firewall rules addition and management?
Adding rules for multiple progs at once is painfully slowww. You have to click on the folder browser icon, get to the prog folder, select it, and then repeat that for every prog. The program won't even persist the folder you last visited. There has got to be a better way to quickly add a few rules. Maybe even a context…
Microsoft edge keeps trying to connect to cdn.unistream.io
Anytime Edge is active or running in the background i get this message every couple of minutes. Suspicious connection blocked. 13 minutes ago Feature: Online Threat Prevention msedge.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an unmatching security certificate to cdn.unistream.io. We blocked the connection to keep…
Cyber Security and attack
Hi, can anyone please advice on how to stop hackers or/and anyone logging onto your device via another to make you look like you have visited certain sites that you have not. Or watched a adult rated movies that you have not? Fraudulent way of scamming one out of ones home/ equity (#legal #family case)
Open Ticket - No Response from Support for 3 days!
Open Ticket 1008834069 Have not received a reply from Support for 3 days. I came here to Expert Community seeking assistance as there is no portal for 'Open Tickets' or 'Support' on the BitDefender Support Center website. Any assistance in getting a response from Support would be greatly appreciated.
I Keep having a critical error I just can't seem to find the root of it, can BD find the root of the
IT keeps showind data leaks to msedge (Microsoft edge) but it dosen't specify well about it is there a way I can find it myself or that BitDeffender can? It's also a fraud attempt from a site I have never been to. PS: I'm using the free vesrion so I am aware that some features are limited.
Where should i contact bitdefender's marketing agency?
Hello! I want to make an offer for bitdefender where can i contact them? (Marketing offer)
Ammo Depot Canada
https://ammodepotcanada.com/ Scam website.
Lack of Customer Representative and Content Settings
If I have to go through one more screen to verify my content settings, "I will delete everything from Bitdefender" and find something else. Programmers from the beginning of time have sought out ways to streamline computing processes. Just so they didn't have to constantly type the same thing, over and over Get it? And the…
Que me conseillez vous comme protection Total Sécurité ou Prémium sécurité ci de votre retour
Been requesting for refund within 30 days. NO REPLY FROM SUPPORT FOR A WEEK
So we have been requesting a refund for a week. NO REPLY> ALL WE GET IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL.
Task failed! [-6]
I noticed that my 2016 server did not have firewall, etc. installed. When I tried to update the configuration, I got the following message: Failed Task. Reconfigure agent settings(sub-task) has failed on CONNECTSERVER, returning the error message: Task failed! [-6]. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the agent? Thanks! :)
I tried to do some banking this morning and i got a pop up that said " The application X USB Display is preventing Bitdefender from functioning correctly. Press close X USB Display and try again." I need help in trying to solve this.
Dexhunter an infected web page?
Dexhunter.io is flagged as an 'infected web page'. Can someone please verify if this site is malicious? The dex is used by thousands of people within my community and no one has seemed to have any trouble.
Does Bitdefender do anything to the Windows 10 Registry?
Bitdefender optimization indicates all registry items are good. Another optimization routine indicates a large number of registry files can be deleted because of no data or missing parameters. This started after I first installed Bitdefender. I don't want to delete the Registry files if Bitdefender has modified them in…
Downloadsnelheid door PVN vertraagd van 4MBs naar 300KBs.
Hallo, ik ben al weken bezig om de oorzaak te achterhalen. Alle mogelijke oplossingen die op internet geschreven zijn helpen niet. Ook de 7 oplosmogelijkheden van Bitdefender zelf geven geen resultaat. Enige oplossing is de automatische verlenging van mijn abonnement te stoppen, PVN te verwijderen en op zoek te gaan naar…
Does Bitdefender Premium Security include protection from Viruses
I am wanting to work out if I cancel renewal of my Anti-virus protector for Mac now that I have got Premium Security. I do not want to pay for both if the Premium Security covers this. I cannot find a black and white answer. Sorry also if I have posted this question in the wrong place. I pretty much have no idea and am…
Bitdefender total security or safeplay
When I'm NOT on a banking or financial or any other kind of monetary site, my entire screen dumps to a "Safepay" screen, then after a second or so the whole monitor gets covered with a blue,black swirling lines. And just sits there. It's been doing this for a few weeks, so today I just disabled (hopefully) the WHOLE…
catch-nimbus.bitdefender.net access requirement
I've not seen any errors on any of the machines running bitdefender on our network so this question is potential unnecessary but I would like to know of the requirements for access to catch-nimbus.bitdefender.net. The question stems from the fact that cloudflare's malware DNS resolver is blocking this address (returns…
Account security
Hi, In account security, it states that it has sent me an email with a verification code, but I never receive email. Yes, I have checked spam folder. Any help? Thanks.
PC HelpSoft, PC Cleaner removal
Hello, I'm trying to remove the following from my computer. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Disque C saturé
I bought some online gift cards and I can't get to the site to print or even see them.
It is merchant.wgiftcard.com. What can I do to get this website to work? I think it is probably being blocked somehow by Bitdefender.