Just by clicking on a malicious website, is my device in danger?
The phone I use is S22. Yesterday I was surfing on twitter on chrome and while I was scrolling down profiles, I accidentally clicked on a malicious website. I managed to turn back and close before it was fully loaded. Twitter uses link shorteners to protect people from malicious sites (and here what I wanna ask is would…
Anti-Theft on Android mobile
Dear All, I downloaded the trial version of Bit Defender Premium Security to test the product for a future purchase. I notice a strange situation. I installed the mobile version on my wife's mobile (redmi note 8 with Android 12). I testes the option Anti-Thef. I go to https://central.bitdefender.com/ and select the "play…
Phone cloned
I’m not too sure how I am but somewhere through some sort of data connection my iPhone has been cloned possibly with a stolen old MacBook do I have a not sure I’m not a tech wizard. But I have recently proven through putting the software on my phone that I can’t install web protection because the kind phone is taking my…
Internet Security + Mobile Security for Android
I recently activated my Bitdefender internet security on my android. However, on the android it is saying that I only have a trial of Mobile security for android. Are these services not bundled? Would I have to pay for Internet Security and Mobile Security for Android to protect my computers and phones?
Which service stops bitdefender?
Which service stops bitdefender on android from running? I have changed all necessary settings such as battery optimisation but I still get an alert stating that another service has stopped bitdefender. When I click on it all I get is a list of browsers. I have chrome and Edge installed which are both compatible. Has…
I would like to know how to use the app lock with just my fingerprint I use on my Samsung phone
I would like to know how to use the app lock with just my fingerprint I use on my Samsung phone what is happening it is quite irratating I use the bit defender app lock but I thought using the phones fingerprint would be enough to open up each app but after the fingerprint opens the app the app lock pens up askingme to…
Can I choose the CITY where the VPN will appear to be located?
Would like my VPN to show my location in a particular city. Can this be done?
My Android app does not show on BD central devices?
My new bd Android app does not show on central devices dispite activated
Bitdefender eating all the battery
The problem started recently, Bitdefender seemq to be consuming quickly all my batteru charge. On the last charge it has been using 97,5% of the charge. I have a screenshot but do not see how to attach it here. I use a Galaxy S9 running Android 10 and Bitdefender
Online Threat Protection on Android Device
The desktop application (build seems to handle correctly BEEF webpages (The Browser Exploitation Framework - https://github.com/beefproject/beef), blocking malicious scripts (see image below, with Notification "Infected web page detected"). However, the Android version (3.159.1036) with all shields ON does not…
Best Way to Protect Mobile Devices
What are others doing to manage phone security with Bitdefender? We're using Gravity Zone and central management is important so we can watch over client's networks. I don't believe there's a policy to manage mobile phones, is this correct? The only option I see to manage phones is to have each user download Bitdefender…
Very slooow downloads on my tablet and phone.
I have a tablet and a phone, both running android 11. On the tab I have Lineage 18.1 and every couple of weeks I update Lineage. The update is 639MB and usually downloads in 6 or 7 minutes. With Bitdefender Mobile Security in the Tab, it took me 25 minutes to get to 50% so I paused the download,uninstalled Bitdefender, and…
Защитить шторку паролем, и геолокацию сделать подключеной и скрытой
Защитить паролем, верхнюю шторку и все кнопки функции геолокация, соединения вайфай, моб точка доступа синхронизация, vpn, nfc, - открывались после 2 факторе, или как биометрии и сделать управления эти кнопками для подключения в любой момент, определения положения, чтобы я на функции включал, добавить его в скрытые…
Optimizer for Mobile Devices?
Does Bitdefender have an "optimizer" in its mobile protection, like it does for the pc-based Bitdefender?
Is my android phone at risk or not?
Just installed bitdefender on my samsung A202F. The scan on the phone says it is clean and safe but on my account dashboard on my main machine it says that the device is at risk and when I view the issues it just says "at risk". Always used AVAST on past phones but have had nothing on this one till now.
How can I Set up a custom scan for my android phone?
When Bitdefender scans my apps on my phone, it only hits 53 of them. I have over 400 which includes system apps. I want to be able to tell it which apps to scan. I know I wont get all of them but I should at least be able to get the non system apps.
Forgot My App Setting Pin Number, And Remote Lock Problem
HI, I just renewed my mobile bitdefender and seem to to have forgotten the PIN for the in-app settings. I can access the program and all it's options, and see it from mybitdefender web page though, just not the settings/anti-theft. How do I reset the number? the "show password" part on mybitdefender is preyed out. Also,…
Android not recognising subscription
Hi there, When I try to install my Bitdefender Internet security from my laptop onto my Android phone by sharing the link, the phone downloads the app from Google Play and installs it fine but then doesn't recognise my subscription and I get a message that my mobile subscription has expired. I did have a different version…
VPN Disconnect
Why is VPN disconnect many times on my Samsung Android phone ?
Activate bitdefender on the second device
I have a licence for 3 devices. I installed Internet security on my laptop and when I try to install it on my Android phone it installs but asks me to pay for a new subscription.
Bitdefender Suddenly Stops Recognizing Apps On Androoid Phone
I have Bitdefender Mobile (Subscription Version) and have been using it for several years. I have used it on my Android phone all this time without problems. When I do a scan it usually "sees" 93 apps and scans those. Suddenly it started only recognizing 36 apps and only is scanning those. When I check my "Apps and Info"…
Floating 'B' on top of all apps on droid phone
I cant get rid of this floating Bitdefender 'B' on top of all apps. How do I get rid of it? I can drag it around on the screen but i can't get rid of it.
Asus ZF3-Abruptuly stopped
I was taking a photo and abruptly shut down. I restarted the phone the battery was 53% a Bitdefender msg. ask me to turn off Web protection and go to Setting and turn on an authorization (no remember which) and than turn on Web protection. After a scan (no malware) only the back button work, in the Setting I tap on…
VPN on iphone blocks some games. How can I fix this problem
When vpn is on on my iphone 10, it blocks some me from opening some of the games.
Recent Change to Android 11 Phone
Recently, I had a pop-up ask me to activate a web feature, and I did without really looking at it (I know, stupid). Now I have an annoying red B pinned to my screen continuously, that doesn't appear to do anything. How do I get rid of it?
On my Android Moto g(7)play - Data Breaches
Under More, My Acct, Acct Privacy it states "Sensitive Data has been exposed" (3) leaks found and shows accounts of breaches, dates and says to change passwords. What if you don't know the accounts? How do you change passwords or delete these accounts?
Malware alert on mobile - Any ideas/advice as to what they are and to stop them?
Hi, I’ve recently been getting these alerts randomly on my iPhone (3 on Wednesday, 1 today). Does anyone know what they are/where they might be originating from? How can I get rid of them? Are they cause for concern? I originally thought they were from perhaps an unsecure webpage or webpages with those terrible scam ads…
Android App shows as trial period and asking for purchase, but it is liked to my Total Security?
I have Total Security 10 Licenses and so far only using 3... I am trying to get the 4th working on my phone... but I can not seem to get the android app registered. I logged into the android device using my account user name and password... everything seemed to worked. The device is showing up and it has seems to be…
Disable manual scan notification
How to disable notification when manaual scan? Many thanks
A dangerous domain was blocked on your phone
Hi everyone I have all my devices protected with BitDefender (laptop, tablet and phone) and lately, only on my phone, dozens of notifications have been appearing every time I connect the phone to charge or change wifi repeater. “A dangerous domain was blocked on <device_name> Dangerous pages attempt to install software…