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Discussion List
Anti-theft And Gps
Is there any relation between Anti-Theft and Global Positioning System (GPS) feature in the mobile?
Bitdefender Mobile Security License Key?
I purchased Bitdefender Mobile Security from Google Play Store, but I have not yet received my License Key. How do I fix this?
Bitdefender For Htc One X
Any one use BD for a HTC One X, Im thinking about getting BD for mine. Let me know if it works good or if there is any issues you have had. Thanks!
Unkown Adware On My Device
hello i have bitdefender mobile security installed on my device which has permanent internet connection. i noticed that unkown apps becomes added to my device frequently without my permission, most of them are chinese and bitdefender sometimes detectes kungfo trojan (which has a white dog paw icon). i can't discriminate…
Impossible To Finish Installation
Hello I just updated my bitdefender subscription on PC and also registered for the mobile version on android. But I have an issue after installing the app on my galaxy S3 under jelly bean. When starting the app, I am requested to enter my bitdefender credentials, when doing so I have an error "unknown error has occurred",…
Sms Commands For Locking Android Phone?
Hi I recently installed BitDefender AntiTHeft software on my android. and just a few days later, i somehow left the phone some where in office. I cannot recall the sms commands for Locking and other possibilities for the software and i cannot find anywhere on this website, the list of the same. (though i remember the…
Bd Mobile Symbian 2.01 Build 132 For Nokia N70
Where i can get it ??
Sources For Android Client?
I just purchased your Total Security Sphere 2012 product and so far it's great. I have a Pandgital Android 2.3 tablet that is not allowed to use the Google Play site for commercial reasons. So, I do not have access to the Total Security client for Android for this device. Are any of these possible: (1) can you email me the…
Unable To Install App?
Hi, I would like to uninstall your app but I cannot! Please tell me how. Rob
Mobile Security Permissions
Below you will find a full list of permissions Bitdefender Mobile Security requires. General Mobile Security permissions : the following permission are used across multiple modules and are explained in-line : * android.permission.WAKE_LOCK -> used when receiving commands from web-console in order to interpret the command…
Mobile Antivirus Controled By Client Security Console ?
Hello, Is it possible to control the Mobile antivirus from Client Security Management Console, with policy enforcements.
Bitdefender Mobile & Antivirus
Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android Bitdefender Mobile Security provides smart antivirus and web security for devices running Android. Its in-the-cloud scanning technology detects even the latest threats without putting a strain on the battery. Bitdefender Mobile Security also provides information about billable…