Anti-Spamware Keeps Turning Itself On
I have anti-spamware turned off, but it keeps turning itself back on. Is there a reason for this? Also, I'm receiving notifications of things being blocked (latest was an AWS server) by the firewall even though the firewall is turned off. I'm about to uninstall Bitdefender from all devices. This is turning out to be more…
Ability to Remote Start Scans Minimized
There needs to be a way to remote start a scan without windows becoming visible. It's intrusive if I remote start a scan on my daughter or wife's computer.
Scheduled scans on Mac
Hello, We are running Bit Fender Total Security on our macs and I want to be able to configure scheduled scans of the devices. How do I do that? thank you!
When I want to do a full scan it suddenly stops in the middle and doesn't continue after running for hours, how do I solve this?
How to remove time machine backup from a retired machine
I have a time machine drive that is getting full. it contains the active time machine backup for my current machine plus inactive time machine backups from earlier machines with different names. I see a directory for each machine in /Volumes/My Book for Mac/Backups.backupdb . I would like to remove the content for old…
Can't start Parallels Desktop unless I disable BD protection and reboot
I've been running BitDefender and Parallels Desktop on my Mac for years but recently have had problems starting Parallels Desktop. It turns out that if I disable Bitdefender and reboot then Parallels starts up fine. I tried configuring Bitdefender to ignore the Parallels application but that did not help. How can I get…
restore deleted file
I tried 6 times to open a support ticket and every time I get an error to try again later! This is ridiculous and is more than enough for me to be done with this av! Bitdefender deleted a file that was legitimate. This is a critical file that I absolutely must have restored! This has been installed since last Aug. when I…
Antivirus Alert: Trojan Horse Detected and Deleted - What to do?
Recently, while visiting the website of a home renovation company, my antivirus alerted me with the following message: “Threat removed”. It detected a Trojan (JS/Agent.RCS) in a file (B123A19715D704B963F6836E8A1A4DB0ED1B265A-blob) on my computer, and then deleted it. What should I do ? Should I be worried? Please help me.…
Mac Monterey hangs
I have a strange problem. Sometimes, and I haven't been able to find when, my Mac hangs. I can move the mouse but I cannot click on the window to change the frontmost application. After a while, the login window appears and I have to login again. This can take 45 seconds to 1 minute. Any hint? My BitDefender Antivirus for…
Should You Disable JavaScript to Prevent Unauthorized Malware Downloads?
Hello Should JavaScript be disabled in the browser to prevent unauthorized downloads of malware (such as the addition of a JS/Agent.RCS without permission)?
When scan running, a second app/scan window pops-up and runs at the same time
When running a system scan on mac, a second window opens up part-way through… it starts at a lower number of 'scanned files' but then catches up and runs concurrently with the other window. Any idea what is going on?
where did BD put my files?
BD put some files in quarantine, I ask BD to restore and add exception, now I can not find the files and BD wants to restart to complete disinfection. I don't want any disinfection to happen I want them back. The files are no longer in quarantine, the files are not in their folders so where are they and how do I put them…
Trojan.Ciusky.Cryptedait.1 Malware from Microsoft PowerPoint
Hi All! I recently received an notification from Bitdefender for a Trojan.Ciusky.Cryptedait.1 (path from Microsoft PowerPoint auto update I think). I am not sure if this is false positive or not so I wanted to reach out in the community if anyone has seen this before. I have searched online but no one seems to have heard…
Can the Bitdefender Spam filter be turned off?
I have a very effective spam filter and apparently Bitdefender also has a spam filter. Once a message is marked "spam" by Bitdefender, I cannot change that status. That means when Bitdefender marks a good email as "spam" I cannot then mark it as "good." I have also lost the color coding feature of my spam program,…
Thunderbird - Bitdefender makes sending mail impossible
Hello! A couple of days ago I agreed to a wider range of Bitdefender's protection measures on my MacBookPro. Since then I have not been able to send mails using Thunderbird. I took my Mac out of the list of devices protected by Bitdefender - et voila: My mail was sent instantly. What do I have to fine-tune in Bitdefender…
Whitelisting Wine exe file
Hi, I would like to know how to add exception to bitdefender. I've already add Wine Stable.app on the exception list but bitdefender is still deleting the files in the package. And when i select the option "Do Nothing" on Action against infected elements, I can't manually add the Files listed ont the bitdefender home menu…
bitdefender will not open
Hello, On my MAcbook Pro Sonoma 14.4.1, Bit defender will not open anymore for some reason. I cannot even run a the scanner and the icon no longer shows up in the top menu bar. I have no changed any setting on my computer. Any ideas?
Problemas de conexão com o roteador.
O Bitdefender impede que eu conecte com o wiffi do roteador da minha casa. Já até troquei de roteador e o problema persiste. O que preciso fazer para solucionar esse problema?
Hello, I recently removed “com.bitdefender.dmg” from the exceptions list
I just wanted to know if it is possible to add it back on.
Bitdefender Virus Scanner on macOS unexpectedly quits during custom scans
System displayed problem report:
Is anyone aware of this threat, how dangerous it is, and which site I may have gotten it from by visiting? Thanks
Block pages that use the QUIC protocol
I'm trying to block pages that use the QUIC Protocol. I created rules in "Policies>Firewall>Rules" to block the "playboy.com" page. I followed the kb https://www.bitdefender.com/business/support/en/77209-352516-disable-quic-protocol.html#UUID-dc479627-a198-7354-c31c-4808558b0160 but it didn't work. can you help me? P.S.: I…
Cryptomining protection - Premium Security - Mac
Hi there, seen the email from Bitdefender advising Cryptomining protection is now included. However cannot see the option on the Mac software - is it just for Windows machines?
Can someone confirm that Email Protection doesn’t work for the Mac Mail email platform?
I can read, so I see that it works for Windows and Gmail. I’m just surprised (and disappointed) to have the feature touted to me as a Mac user and Bitdefender subscriber when it doesn’t protect the most common Mac email platform.
Report on installed applications
We are using GravityZone with a fleet of MacOS workstations. We are trialing Patch Management which is giving us a list of applications that require patching, but is there any way to run a report to list all the installed Applications across the Network? Also, is Application Whitelisting or Blacklisting supported with the…
Total Security
I subscribe to Total Defender covering my android mobile and desktop computer. I ran a vulnerability scan which resulted in BD reporting two "critical updates" were found. I clicked on the appropriate area but the "working" circle kept turning without updating these two updates. Following this I went to Windows Updates…
Blocked website
Bitdefender is blocking my IPTV service. What do I do? I can't seem to add the site to the safe list
Disabling CD/DVD Scan does not work.
(Apologies if this has been raised before - I've searched help and the web but cannot find an answer.) Disabling CD & DVD Scan only works for the current session. On reboot it reverts to asking if I want to scan the currently inserted CD/DVD. Is there a way to permanently turn CD/DVD scan off? Thanks in advance for any…
Cannot scan system
Nothing happens when I select Quick Scan or Complete Scan from the dashboard...can you please advise what to do? I have a little black x on the icon on the top of my iMac.
Bitdefender blocking Mac cli commands
Bitdefender is blocking cli commands like /bin/mv and prompting for password. How can I allow permanent access for standard posix commands?