parental control time elapsed no effect
Hey everyone, I have an issue regarding parental control. I set allowed time on 3 devices win 10 and 11 but after time is passed access wasn't denied. Whats worse manual block doesn't help neither. Any hints appreciated.
Problema critica – Control Parental nefunctional
Buna ziua, Am urmat toti pasii pentru configurarea controlului parental pe telefonul copilului si am acordat toate permisiunile necesare. Initial, aplicatia functioneaza corect, insa, in momentul in care repornesc telefonul, opresc locatia sau activez economizorul de energie, aceasta isi pierde toate permisiunile, nu mai…
RTA Clothing
RTA offers a diverse range of stylish apparel, including rta clothing staples like rta hoodie men, men's rta hoodie, and the sleek black rta hoodie. Their denim collection features must-haves such as rta denim pants, rta denim mens, rta denim jeans, rta skinny jeans, rta jeans mens, rta jeans, and rta denim shorts.…
Parental Control: not blocking TeamViewer or CCleaner
I use Parental Control content filtering to prevent download of AnyDesk, TeamViewer or CCleaner. Therefore, I have a "Blocked Exception" for each of the involved websites. This is working great to block access to the AnyDesk website. But still the TeamViewer and CCleaner websites can be accessed without any problem. In…
Parental control cant add profile date of birth earlier than today's date in 2008
I have tried over and over to create a profile in Parental Control for one of my children, but Bitdefender doesn't allow you to use a date of birth prior to todays date in 2008. Is this a bug that Bitdefender isn't aware of or do they only allow parental monitoring of children under 16?
Bitdefender threat error even though I never installed Bitdefender
I got this strange error today: A problem has occured in BitDefender Threat Scanner. A file containing error information has been created at C:\Windows\Temp\BitDefender Threat Scanner.dmp I can see the file is there. But I've never installed Bit Defender on the machine as far as I know. It's a Win2012 R2 machine I use as a…
Parental control cannot block Facebook, instagram
Hello, I set up parental controls to block Facebook and Instagram, but I can still access them on my device. Can someone help me resolve this issue?
Is anyone else considering ditching bitdefender because it’s parental control app is so poor?
there is a recurrent theme here; the parental app does not really work even on its own terms never mind from a parents point of view. It is appallingly weak on iPhones, you may have heard of them, although bitdefender doesn’t seem that aware that this brand of phone exists.. I am thinking of ditching my total security…
Where have the "screen time" functionality gone?
I no longer see the functionality for "screen time" within parental control. It seem to have been replaced by something called "daily internet time", which is not really the same thing. The new internet time functionality seem to just cut my children's internet connections without telling them it has done so. No prompts or…
Way to "pause" parental controlled profiles without having to manually remove exceptions?
As the title says, is there a way to "pause" parental controlled profiles without having to manually remove exceptions? For example last night I was fiddling with my child's phone and wanted to see if I could pause some of the sites I have restricted without having to delete the exceptions manually. Can I "pause" the whole…
Why does it show
Hi there, I does my parental control show me that my kid's phone is not connected to it when it does? I'm puzzled. ?I scanned the QR code and it shows me Bitdefender on her phone however on Central Bitdefender I get a message PARENTALOFFLINE. Thanks for your advice.
Install of Bitdefender Parental Control fail on Windows 10
The Parental Control program/app does not install correctly for me. I have downloaded the Parental Control installation program "bitdefender_windows_…….exe" and ran it. But the program does not turn up in the Windows list of installed program. Below: Screen shot from Bitdefender Central on the internet. Text translated:…
Parent-Control with more accounts on one device
I have installed on the PC (1 device) 3 Windows accounts (1x admin, 2x children accounts). How can I assign an extra parental profile to each child on these devices ? Is this even possible ?
Parental Control is not working
Parental control on my kids computer hasn’t been working for months. I’ve reinstalled multiple times. It doesn’t read the time he’s spent playing. Allows him to play at all hours of the day. I’m very frustrated. I liked the old version because it actually worked.
When I installed parental control by child lost connection to Microsoft store so can't use their mod
Hi I configured parental control and checked Minecraft could open ok. It was fine. But when my child went to play they couldn't access all their mods and features they had, Microsoft store was blocked. I am not worried about them accessing that program so I tried allowing various options so it would be available to them.…
HATE the new parental controls
The parental controls were always a little buggy. Sometimes they didn't properly record websites or didnt show use time. But they were at least usable. I hate the parental controls were removed from the central app. It allowed me to change what settings I had to without hunting and poking around a website. But it also gave…
The "New" Parental Controls - why was so much functionality removed?
A lot of functionality has been removed that we used to have previously, and I've not seen any discussion around why this functionality was removed: Complete screen lock when the scheduled offline time kicked in. Now my kids can still access their devices during their "Bedtime" schedules, they just can't go online - we…
New parental controls: cant block a program on PC anymore? Not working on mobile either.
In the old parental controls I could block certain programmes on my childs PC during times when he wasnt allowed it, and unblock it as I needed to. Now it only shows a few programmes that I can add to exceptions, some of which he doesn't even have installed so I can only assume it comes from a generic list. It also refuses…
Accidentlly installed Parental Control on my MacBook now no internet at all
I accidentlly installed Parental Control on my MacBook OS14 now I have no internet at all. I deinstalled every Bitdefender Product and deleted it from Bitdefender Central but still no internet.
Epic Games Launcher and Fortnite not working with the new Bitdefender Parental Control
Both "EpicGamesLauncher" and "Fortnite" has been added to the content filter and set as "Allowed". I also added allowed exceptions for "launcher.store.epicgames.com" and "egs-platform-service.store.epicgames.com" from the "Prevented content access" list on my sons dashboard in Bitdefender Central. There are no blocked…
New Parental Control not working with Steam payments or the "Revolut <18 banking app"
We just tried installing a (paid) game in Steam on Windows 11. Even though we explicitly "allowed" Steam in the parental control settings we could not process a payment. We had to uninstall Bitdefender in order to reach the credit card payment screen and pay. We then had to reinstall the parental control program again.…
Parental Controls - BBC iPlayer
Hello I have just set up Parental Controls on my daughter's phone and tablet. She has BBC iPlayer on both. I allowed video streaming in content filter, and whitelisted 'www.bbc.co.uk'. However the iPlayer app will not work - it cannot get an internet connection. Is this because Parental Controls created a VPN tunnel? Has…
New Parental Control - Today's update - "No Subscription" message
I have the same problem as half_life below, but unfortunately it doesn't go away. I've restarted the unit, reinstalled both "Bitdefender Mobile Security" (v and "Bitdefender Parental Control" (v 5.0.157) and also removed the unit from Bitdefender Central. The error only occurs in the Parental Control app and…
New Parental Control - Today's update - NO SUBSCRITION MESSAGE!
After updating to the new version available today, I receive a notification that I do not have a subscription to use. Strange because it was working perfectly, but does anyone have this problem?
New Parental control doens't work
Hello, I've got both my pc and my sons pc up to date with the new version but it doens't block his internet access at all after the allocated time. Even the extra button 'Stop internet' doens't do anything… Any1 else has these issue's? Think his pc's running win 10 and mine win 11, this can't be the issue however imo……
Possible To Clear Web/call/sms History?
From what I can tell, it is not possible to clear the history for anything on the Bitdefender Parental Control page. Am I missing something? When I installed this product on my PC and my daughter's phone, I tested it by visiting some inappropriate web sites (to make sure they'd be blocked!) and sending SMS messages. Now,…
Parental Control Install
Good evening you all, I am facing problem installing Parental Contron on my son's tablet with Android 10. An strange image appears but nothing happens. Any suggestion ? Kind regards Gianluca
Parental Control blocks usage while screen time is not turned on
Hi, I have a problem where BitDefender blocks a child's account, even through Screen Time limitation is turned off. (And have never been turned on) I have tried to update BitDefenter, turned ScreenTime On and Off and restarted the computer. Am I forced to uninstall BitDefender to be able to use the computer/account again ?…
Half of image
Bonsoir, Je béénficie d'un contrat Bitdefender total security avec controle parental. Mais je n'arrive pas a finaliser le téléchargement de Bitdefender Control Parental sur la tablette de mon fils sous environnement android . Une fois le lien envoyé et téléchargé, une image tronquée apparait, celle du visage d'un enfant…
Is There A Way To Disable Safepay In Parental Control?
So I use Bitdefender for all my family devices. Including kids. I use a parental control app to limit children's access to the internet and social media. However, they discovered Safepay! Is there a way to disable it or lock it with a password. I ve been using Bitdefender for 2 years and it ve been great. I really do not…