Bitdefender Router?
Hi, I wonder if anyone knows which router with sim card has Bitdefender pre-installed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Christer Sweden
McAfee scam
For the past 3 days I've been getting requests from McAfee to activate subscription. Closed account with them 4 years ago. Had banking info with them then. They want me to open Antivirus and renew. Looks authentic but not sure. Getting window in lower right hand corner of screen. Can't get rid of this annoying window. Any…
Windows reinstallation - Can't install Total Security
I have just rage-quit and reinstalled 24H2 because the desktop picture kept changing (long story) Now, Bitdefender Central says that my computer is protected, and was even able to 'perform update successfully' except that no Bitdefender product is even installed. Of course, because Bitdefender Central thinks it's…
Mobile security still locked after paying for a new subscription
I re-installed mobile security after it expired and taking a break and it's locked. So I followed the link and paid for a new subscription, but it's still locked? What do I need to do? Thanks.
Anyone have an issue with getting all your installations to show up in Central
Just recently renewed a Premium subscription and given the devices allowance I decided to add a couple of systems. Started out with 3 devices. Installed number 4 on a system I use for Golf Sim and it came right up in Central, no prob. Installed it on one I had in my workshop that I use for searches and one of my other…
Bitdefender firewall over Windows?
This discussion forum aims to explore the effectiveness, compatibility, and advantages of using Bitdefender's firewall over Windows Firewall. Key discussion points include the overview of Windows Firewall, Bitdefender's firewall, its features, and compatibility with other security software. Users can share their…
Engine Version outdated - how to force update ?
Hello, for several clients in gravity zone portal, i see the engine version getting outdated and the client getting red exclamation mark. what's the reason for this and how can engine update being forced, so that it won't show red all the time ? The problem exists for about 5 out of 10 clients. thank you Roland
Bank Account
When i go into bitdefender then my account. i can be doing a transaction then it shuts down on me. i start over again go into my account then look at a account, then it shuts down on me again. what is going on with my Bitdefender account doing this to me. it is surpose to be the best and its shutting me out all the time…
Split Tunneling in Games!
I play so many games, but I have to disconnect the vpn. I hope bitdefender have the option to select the game to split tunneling.
Why Does Bitdefender Say "Device Limit Reached"?
Ok so I had bitdefender on my last computer but I recently switched computers. However, even though I removed my last computer from my subscription, it still says on my new device limit reached. How do I install Bitdefender now?
Install 5 devices
I have purchached Premium Security for 5 devices. Is it possible to use 1 device for my child and if he will install can he use his own mailadress or does it have to be with my login data? We tried to install but when the system asked for mailadress my child's adress waas denied. You will understand that i prefer not to…
Pin Numbers Are Highlighted After Pressing . . . .
I activated Bitdefender's App Lock feature and found that when I press a number, the background turns sky blue and the number displays on the screen. I activated the malware feature, and the message currently reads, “You Are Safe!” Why are the numbers highlighted and displayed after being pressed?
Make Bitdefender Popups Immune to Accidental Keyboard Presses
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place, as it is not technically a bug nor a security risk, but I do think it's something that can be easily improved by the dev team as part of the Bitdefender user experience. As a DB user, I have firewall alerts turned on, so I always get the regular allow/deny question…
how do i find out my activation code belongs to what account i used
have activation code from bestbuy , i lost what account it belongs any of finding this out. thanks
Very very slow after doing a full scan
I did a full scan, took 14 hours,On my 10 year old Dell desktop. And now it is taking 5 to 6 minutes to execute every single keystroke. The Dell is now effectively unusable, not sure what the scan did to my computer, but would like to reverse it. Would appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
Uninstall trial after full product install
I had the trial version of Total Security installed on Win 11, then installed the full version. I still get the "x days left" warning, but can't seem to uninstall just the trial without uninstalling the whole thing. Some functions of the full version aren't working, specifically access to firewall rules.
When does an on-prem Gravity zone licence actually start counting the days ?
Due to some management oversight, we've had multiple locations buy their own licences that we plan to add into a single, centrally managed console. These locations got their product keys this week. We're running an on-prem solution with no internet connection across the whole network if this matters. Question is…. are we…
Trying to uninstall agent from endpoints using the Bitdefender console, Please help.
I have been manually uninstalling agents from all my active endpoints which is working. But some of my endpoints are remote and people don't use it everyday. I uninstalled agent from all my endpoint which was active in the last 7 days. But now after a week I can see 5 more active endpoints in the last 7 days. I want to…
The activation code being sent to my email won't activate my account.
The activation code being sent to my email won't activate my account. I can't reach anyone with the 1-805-840-2003 or (888-392-7720) numbers I found online. Why won't the codes being sent to me activate my account and why can't I actually talk to someone insead of continually being told to look up the instructions online.…
I bought a Total Security subscription. I installed it on my laptop ok but whenever I try to install it on my android mobile I end up in googleplaystore bring asked to buy a subscription. I've tried to install via central, playstore and QI code. None work. secondly when I access central on my andoid it tells me both my…
Running VPN in Egypt
Hi, ive relocated to Cairo Egypt, I work in a hotel, my VPN is not working. (182,181 errors tunnel broken) I have followed all the steps described on the troubleshooting still can not connect. The IT team in the hotel confirms no firewall and no port restrictions, asked me to get in touch with Bitdefender side. I am…
Are you an ethical hacker? You can become our next bug hunter
Bug bounty programs are designed to identify and fix vulnerabilities. Ours has been around for 7 years and it encourages security researchers to identify and submit vulnerability reports regarding virtually everything that bears the Bitdefender brand, including but not limited to the website, products and services. Being…
OnePlus Nord 2 Android 11 Web Protection turned off notifications
OxygenOS Version 11.3 I keep getting a random popup message that Web Protection safety has been turned off. When I go look at Web Protection in-app, it says Web Protection is on. When I go to Central it tells me I need to fix my phone. I went through the routine of making sure I added all the permissions. I uninstalled it…
vpn is not allowing a website to function properly on windows 10 laptop
I use a web site called, StealthCamCommand.com. It's a cellular game camera used for taking pictures of animals remotely and sending them to my laptop and phone. The VPN I believe is blocking the pictures from being downloaded. I uninstalled the VPN and the Stealthcamcommand site worked as it should. Reinstalled the VPN,…
GravityZone Business Security Enterprise IMAP mail scan
I'm testing gravityzone business security enterprise and I can't find any option for checking IMAP email on the clients (configured on Microsoft Outlook and Thunderbird). I only found options for smtp and pop3 scanning. I don't want to believe that this type of email is not checked, can you tell me how I should configure…
Bitdefender detects multiple threats when I go to Twitch. What's going on?
Hello, I've been using Bitdefender for a while and I've never had a problem with watching on Twitch (the website). But now, I clicked on the website and suddenly Bitdefender alerted me of multiple threats. I panicked and closed the page and BD took care of the threats. I removed the notifications so I don't know the name…
Forgotten password - USB
I have managed to enter the wrong password too many times on my BitDefender protected USB device. It now requires administrator Intervention. Please forgive what may be a silly question but any advice please as to what I should do to access this USB that I am currently locked out of. I am the BitDefender account holder and…
Mac version see what is being scanned
Bitdefender should have the ability to see what Drives, Folders and files are being scanned in Realtime to determine which drives and files should be excluded. I have several drives that I use for backup with a program called SuperDuper and I would like to ensure they are not being scanned in order to speed up my computer…
Any suggestions regarding activation infinite loop?
Hi Folks I'm hoping the experts can give me a hand. Platform - Microsoft Surface Pro 11, running Windows 11 (all updates applied) Browser - Edge with Secure Pass Browser Extension. Current situation: Trying to use Secure Pass. When I open the extension, I get the following: When I click on the "Renew Subscription" button,…
What are the differences between Bitdefender Password Manager and Bitdefender Secure Pass ?
I've seen this new function,could you explain what changes from Bitdefender Password Manager ? From what I've readed on the docs it seems to me that one is the presence of a web version for the first,apart from this,which are the differences?Should I change from Bitdefender Password Manager to Secure Pass ? Plus if I'll…