Alerts on a sleeping and locked device
I have been testing sending remote alerts to (Android) devices. It kinda works, but I have a feeling that it has a problem that might make this feature useless. On both devices that I tested I have a 9-pin pattern lock, in every case the device was at sleep when I sent the alert to it. The alert did not sound, until I woke…
Reports about a device not in sync with this device's diagnostics
I have 2 devices with Bitdefender Central (BDC) installed. When I open BDC on Device A, it reports that Device B has one issue (web protection turned off), which has to be fixed manually Same when I open BDC on web, it reports Device B having that problem When I open Bitdefender on Device B though, it reports that I am…
Protect device administrator
How can I protect the app from being uninstalled? You can easily turn off the device administrator in the settings. With other apps there is a protection so that you cannot disable these settings. Unfortunately, it is also not possible to lock the settings with the app lock. The PIN is queried, but you can simply click…
An app you have installed
I keep getting the warning: "An app you have installed needs scanning before you use it" Even after scanning my phone the warning and being told the phone is safe it will reappear the next day. I haven't installed any apps in a long time the only the Google installed apps updates and my phone's system updates. Dose anyone…
Web Protection keeps turning off - Galaxy S8 on Android 9
Hello, Every day or so when I check my Bitdefender Security app, Web Protection is turned off. Every day I turn it on again and I have to set the the system permission slider to on... for some reason the system keeps turning the slider to off. I can't seem to trigger this by rebooting my phone... it just happens after some…
Account Privacy - Android app - feature issue - 'solve' not working
Hi, When I scan for leaked data for my email address, it gives a list of past and current user data leaks related to my email address. I have changed all my passwords a long time ago, I can mark them as solved one by one (which is tedious, but ok) My problem is that, there are 8 items that no matter how many times I try I…
BitDefender blocking my mobile bank app
Is there a way to whitelist my mobile bank app? When bitDefender is on my phone, it won't let it connect.
Battery drain on brand new iPhone 15 pro max iOS 17.1
My spouse and I purchased the iPhone 15 pro max--his iPhone has no problems with battery drain with Bitdefender. On my iPhone, however, most of the battery is drained by Bitdefender. I've scanned and found no problems. The only difference between my husband's and my iPhone is that he uses English as the system's language…
Activating VPN on mobile phones that are not in same location as you.
Hello, I have just bought yearly subscription to VPN Premium. I have three mobile devices on my Bitfender account. My question how do I install VPN on two of the devices that are not with me. I need to protect these two phones as my relative is using them abroad. She is not tech savvy and I need her to have this protection…
Web Protection
Web protection keep turning itself off. When I turn on Web Protection back on, VPN automatically turns on in my iPhone iOS settings. When I turn VPN off in my iPhone settings it also shuts off Web Protection.
The app you have just installed requires scanning before being used
At least once a day I get the following message: Bitdefender Mobile Security, The app you have just installed requires scanning before being used. It does not identify which app is affected, and I have not recently installed any new apps, Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
I want to change master password but unable to locate security key,
Error code 501 when scanning (android)
Hi, I have a error code 501 when scanning my device. the scan stop half way and give me the code, no explanation for it. it say my device is at risk. Android phone
Change scan frequency/time of day?
BD scans my incredibly run down Galaxy s9 a lot, and it uses enough overhead that it sometimes disrupts other active apps. Like I said, it's an old phone far enough into end of life that it already struggles with basic functionality here and there. I don't need my storage scanned 2-3 times per day. I probably don't even…
Why does Bitdefender not have the option to scan the whole mobile phone?
Security applications normally (usually) have the option to scan the whole device, be it a cellular device or pc. The scanner checks files, notes, messaging, browsing, etc. I don’t see this as an option within Bitdefender Mobile Security.
Bitdefender accessibility turning off
I imagine this issue has been asked before, but I'm having an aggravating problem with Bitdefender on my Android phone. If I check the Accessibility section on my phone, Bitdefender is turned off. I've read this can be caused by battery optimization - the instructions I've found say to turn off battery optimization.…
Strange message
hello sorry I am new to anti virus software. I have an Android and on Tuesday afternoon a message told me that I had installed an unreliable application. but I hadn't touched my phone in a long time. Is it possible that a malicious application installed itself? and is it possible that the analysis does not detect…
Hi. Today morning I got on my mobile info like on te screenshot???
App Crash Version (Android)
Hi, Since yesterday (27 Oct 23) the newest installed Android app version crashes many times. Version see subject. I had no problems before. Any ideas? Thanks and regards, Sutti
Message Virusapp detected?
I got a message on my mobile that i can't get rid off. Bitdefender app says my system is safe. I can't make out if this message is generated by Bitdefender or not. It also did not mention which app is compromised. Can anyone help to solve this?
Sensitive data exposed BUT cannot change password as accounts unidentifiable
What are these data breaches please? I have no idea what the accounts and read even mean and there’s no link to follow… Please help
Bug? Bitdefender Mobile Security - stop/crashes at app-lock access (after opening a locked app).
Good day, I'm using bitdefender for many years now without any problems, it silently does its work on all my devices. But since just a few days (since about 27-10-2023) on my phone (Samsung S10e/OneUI 4.1/Android 12) Bitdefender mobile security stop/crashes at app-lock access (after opening a locked app). Bitdefender…
Mobile app issues
Hello I have a couple of issues with the latest version of the mobile app; 1 Account privacy - shows not been scanned for 2 weeks but is constantly scanning without end 2 Keeps asking me to activate Scam alert there is another issue relating to the bitdefender central it says my i pad doesnt have web protection switched…
Does web protection in Android provide real time scanning of web links
Does web protection in Android scan web link's content and scripts in real time to detect malicious intent/threats ?
Help my phone is lost!
Hello everybody, My daughter has lost her phone today. I thought I had protection Bitdefender in our family group but when I tried to find her phone, I couldn't find her phone in Bitdefender Central. She switched her phone a few months ago and had some trouble installing her phone with prolonging the abonnement. Maybe she…
Attempt to unlock
Hello. An attempt was made to unlock an account only Motorola android phone, is their away to find out exactly who it was
Android scan Completeness
When Bitdefender runs a scan on my android device, the number of apps it claims to check is many fewer than are actually on my device. Also there is no mention of operating system files being scanned? My question is why does Bitdefender appear to be doing inadequate incomplete scans on my android device? I used to use…
App scan
Hello. When I do a app scan everything is ok ,but it shows the apps it is scanning to quickly, and there are a few I don't recognize is there anyway to see what apps it just scanned when it is done. Cheers and thank you Motorola hyper one version 11
Apps scanned in Bitdefender mobile
I have noticed when I run a scan on my phone, some of the items first scanned don't show an app name, they show numbers. I don't have any apps that have numbers for their name. The scan is so fast that I don't have time to copy the numbers. Is there a way to see everything that is scanned?
Does Bitdefender blocks malware from connecting to free wifi?
I read that connecting to free wifi like in hotels or airports can download malware to your phone. How does that work and is it something that bitdefender blocks?