Scan gets stuck
I recently purchased a bitdefender subscription. When I run the scan it gets stuck after scanning 38 apps out of 90 apps. Will it finish or there is a problem or bug with my version of bitdefender. Please help
How to change Password in Bit Defender Central
Hello, i need to change password in in Bit Defender Central Account. I am using IoS, Android and a Laptop. Tell me at least on of these solutions. Thank you very much.
Essential Tips for Securing Your Mobile Device
In today's digital landscape, ensuring the security of your mobile device is crucial. Here are some key practices to keep your information safe: Update Regularly: Keep your device's operating system and apps up to date to protect against vulnerabilities. Use Strong Authentication: Set strong, unique passwords and enable…
How to put emergency contact number
How to put emergency contact number
Bitdefender Total Security
I have a paid subscription to this product but every time I click on Web Protection and Scam Protection I’m asked if I want to try before buying!! Why should this be and how can I rectify it?
Mobile security on ios does not allow hotspot connection
how can i enable laptop to connect to hotspot on ios. ? Which has mobile security
"Scam alert" operation
Hi, in BDM I noticed that with the "Scam alert" protection when I receive an email, a text message, or a WhatsApp with a malicious link I get a popup warning me that there is a malicious message but when I click on "delete" the message remains with the malicious link. Is this the correct behavior or should clicking on…
BD Mobile Security For Android: After Device Restart, Web Protection Turns OFF!
Hello. Samsung Galaxy A34 5G (SM-A346B/DSN) BEFORE DEVICE RESTART: AFTER DEVICE RESTART: As you can see from the screenshots, after device restart the Web Protection module turns off by itself. Just to mention that before and after the device restart, nothing in the app's settings and/or in the Android settings has been…
Bitdefender Mobile Security: Battery Drain On iOS. Any Fix?
Hi, I have an iPhone 13 pro and notice very bad battery life with bitdefender using 83% of the battery. Don’t think that was like that previously. do others have similar experience? Is there anything I can do to reduce battery usage without compromising security?
What to do if app lock doesn't work?
The app lock function for my phone isn't working. I have a Huawei p-smart 2019. When I lock an app, for example Playstore, I sometimes get the app lock screen and sometimes I don't. But when I close the app completely(while on the app lock screen) and then open it again I am able to open it without entering the pin code.…
Why does Password Manager require a login to Bitdefender Central?
Password Manager accepts my biometric authentication and then proceeds to require a login to Bitdefender Central. If I knew my password to Bitdefender Central, then I could get my password to Bitdefender Central via Password Manager. However, it's a random collection of characters that I change periodically and I don't…
AppLock is not working for me either
I've tried everything that chat tech support recommended I tried everything that I'm reading here in the forum and I cannot get app lock to work. I've also looked for third party app locks that are not working well or display too many pop-ups so I really don't think I'm going to keep any of those junk apps . I do know that…
qltuh.ch… alerts on S22 not detected
Hi, I keep getting alerts from qltuh.ch… on my android phone (S22); the alerts are for security breaches, data loss, card hacks etc and some prompt me to scan device. Bitdefender has not detected anything on phone despite my manual scans for malware. How do I get rid of these false alerts and why isn't BD detecting…
Isn't not being able to use Web Protection AND VPN an oddity/dysfunction?
Just purchased Bitdefender Premium for my Macs and iPhone. After almost being driven nuts by BD Central warning me that Web Protection has AGAIN been turned off I began searching for answers. I found, to my dismay, that both VPN and Web Protection cannot be used simultaneously on iOS! First, don't you think that problem…
Why doesn't bitdefender detect ad popup in photo editing app?
This ad popup only appears on my screen when I'm using Photo Studio App editing a photo. It's happened more than once and I've notified photo studio and they tell me it's not coming from them. Shouldn't my bitdefender mobile security web protection detect this and alert me?? I've attached screenshots below of ad popup.…
28 failed log in attempts, Should I be worried?
Hi, I reviewed my security events for this account and apparent on the day I found out I was unable to access my account there were 28 failed log in attempts. Now, I know I tried several times to log in but I know I did not attempt to sign in over 2 dozen times. Should I be worried?
Bitdefender for WearOS ?
A few days ago I both read an article and saw a TV news item on the poor protection and the ease by which lower end smarwatches, mostly for kids, could be hacked. While i do not consider myself overly paranoid, I did try to find a product, any product, dedicated to protect smartwatches with WearOS and did not come across…
app lock Application pin
Hello. I Would like to use my biometric fingerprint but it keeps asking for my pin number Why does App lock work and the next day it doesn't
Bitdefender mobile security, app anomaly scans false detection?
Good day, I have this new problem again this app anomaly features, has detected 1 app. I don't know which app has been detected but I tried going to the reports section, and find and review all the past detection. and I didn't seen any malware detection and app anomaly detection history in it so any thoughts in it? Also…
Bitdefender mobile app on android not generating weekly reports
Hi everyone, I want to inform the community about an ongoing issue with the bitdefender mobile app on android. Since December 2023 it is no longer generating any weekly reports, it just shows on top that weekly reports date but no report is generated, the apps malware scanner counter is at 0 even when apps where scanned…
Can't stop unrequested website
I hope someone can please help me find a way to prevent the website called artisanals.com.au from appearing on my mobile. There appears to be no "unsubscribe" link nor any other provision on the website to stop or block these notifications that have been appearing constantly out of the blue over the last few days. It is…
What Bitdefender software is available for iPad?
I just bought my first iPad. What Bitdefender software covers this product? I already have Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac (for an iMac and MacBook Pro), Bitdefender Mobile Security for my Samsung phone, and Bitdefender iOS for my wife's iPhone.
Getting Amtrak false positive pop-ups for email with "Dangerous URL"
On my Android using Gmail, I recently started getting a pop-up from Bitdefender Mobile Security that says "Dangerous link found." It was happening for valid Amtrak emails I was receiving after ticket purchases. The dangerous link reported is "20001800-usa-railamtrak.com." So the funny thing is—that is not a link in the…
Dropbox Online Scan
I would like to scan my Dropbox online BEFORE I download the files locally on the mac, is this possible with aby Bitdefender product?
Horror movie experience
Hello all, I opened this account to share my experience with you. It's up to you to believe or not. My obsessive disordered ex-girlfriend have been spying me for 1.5 years even though I have Bitdefender installed. She made a deal with a local hacker and that person has produced a local spyware that is not in the database.…
Lock apps without GPS active
Hi, as thread title I would ask you if you can consider to unlock apps by trusted network using only the Wi-Fi network without the need to activate GPS. This simply request is not only for privacy matter (many other apps can "sniff" you're position) but also to improve battery life. Regards
App lock acts strange with certain applications and randomly stops working
App lock acts strange with my social media and banking app. App lock will launch normally then have a separate app lock pop up over it, changing the app logo that I'm trying to open to a generic android logo. I can minimize the app and then re open it from the background apps tray and app lock will then act as it normally…
Error 1015 - You are being rate limited, The owner of this website (www.bitdefender.com) has banned
Hi Bitdefender Support, I'm having an issue accessing some of the links, whenever I click on the below hyperlink it just shows "You are being rate limited" & indicates I'm banned. I am not sure what is the issue here and seeking support & clarification on what is happening to my account. Thanks. As below when I click…
Come posso avere il codice univoco di attivazione di abbonamento acquistato su Play Store?
Ho acquistato abbonamento su Play Store ed è attivo su sul mio telefono cellulare ma non riesco ad attivarlo sul mio PC perchè nell'email di conferma dell'abbonamento da parte di Google non c'è il codice univoco di attivazione e Bitdefender non mi ha inviato il codice univoco di attivazione via email. Come posso attivare…
App lock stopped suddenly
The app lock feature was enabled onmy tablet and all was good.on Friday I noticed that when I opened the app it didn't prompt for pin. Verified all setting r still there. Activated and deactivated app lock. Still no pin prompt. Kindly advise