Do You Know How To Turn Off Bitdefender Central 2-Factor Authentication? Have You Tried It?
premium vpn did not upgrade...no code
paid on 12-12...vpn did not upgrade on its own...need activation code
remote access
Hello, I am trying to determine how to restrict access to my computer from other users on the same registration. That is a group purchase license. While I understand that updates are important, the ability to "evesdrop" on any other group user should not be permitted. So, how do I turn this remote function off? Thanks Dwane
Lost 2FA When I Went To A New Phone. What To Do?
I lost access to my 2fa account when I went to a new phone. Is there a way to reset so I can recreate the secret key on my device and login to my original account again? Thanks.
What Can A Family Member Do With A Subscription I Give Them?
In other words: if I give a family member one of the subscriptions under my paid account, can they buy add on services or renew?
Bitdefender Central Is Cycling My Log In. Any Help?
I've renewed Bitdefender, but each time I attempt to log in, and enter pw, incl Central, it just keeps cycling back to log in page. And the license at the bottom of the page is showing AUS instead of US. I rectify, log in, cycles back to log in. Reset pw, attempted new log in - I already have a log in.
Lost My Key Activation Password. What Should I Do?
So I had a paid subscription and it ended recently. Iost my key activation password. How can I obtain it? Or another one that will work? Any help is gr8t3fuL.
Device not protected
Hello, I’m using Bitdefender Premium Security. I sent two links to join my subscription. Both links were installed on both computers (windows) and working well (Bitdefender and VPN) on their end. But in Bitdefender Central it shows both devices are not protected and at risk. Please help. Thanks.
how do I find activation key?
I have lost my activation key. I need it for a new device where can I find it?
Bitdefender Scam
The automatical renewal hit me and BitDefender is trying to give a 'partial refund.' The email that was sent said " On 2023-01-21, we will charge your account 159.99 USD via our payments" for renewal of bitdefender On January 20th, at around 3 am I get, Your Bitdefender Premium Security subscription associated with…
Transfer to Bitdefender Family Pack?
Hello, I renewed my Bitdefender Box subscription last November for one year. I would now like to see if I can transfer that subscription from Bitdefender Box to the Bitdefender Family Pack. This would allow me to remove one piece of hardware and simplify my network. Does anyone know if this can be done and if so, how.…
Early Renewal On Current Subscription. Any Explanation?
I just renewed my subscription early and received an activation code. This early renewal subscription says it renews on January 25th 2024, but I still have 36 days left on current subscription. Do I wait to activate this renewal subscription? My remaining days are suppose to be added on.
Problème Abonnement 3 Appareils. Toute Aide?
Bonjour, J'ai supprimé un appareil de mon abonnement, car il est à la poubelle. Je l'ai remplacé par un autre, mais celui-ci ne peut être protégé car la limite d'appareil serait atteinte. Alors que j'ai un abonnement pour trois appareils et que j'en ai bien trois actuellement, en ayant remplacé l'ancien ordinateur par le…
How Can I Upgrade From BD Antivirus Plus To BD Total Security?
Hello , I would like to upgrade my pack from Bitdefender Antivirus Plus upgrade to Bitdefender Total Security. How i can do it ? Thanks.
Problem When Creating Bitdefender Account For BD Total Security. Any Help?
Okay, although I believe that Microsoft Defender is good in Windows 11, I wanted to try BitDefender Anti Virus Free. In order to use it I hat to make an account, and after that was done I used the Free version for a couple of days and already wanted to buy BitDefender Total Security. So this afternoon I bought BitDefender…
Problems With The Annual Subscription. Any Help?
I have been charged twice for an annual subscription. The first time is 50% as suggested by Bitdefender, the second time, automatically, in the amount of 100%. What to do and how to return excess money?
Difference in Bitdefender on different devices
I added my partner to my account sometime ago but hers is different ie hasn’t Web protection???
How Do I Transfer Cover From My Old Laptop?
Hi. I have cover for 5 devices and have just bought a new replacement laptop. How can I transfer the cover on the old machine to the new one please? TIA.
Extend or add a new subscription?
Choosing "Extend current subscription" gives me 21 more days of protection (January 30, 2023 instead of January 9, 2023). Other than that, what's the difference between "Extend current subscription" and "Add a new subscription"?
Could You Please Disable 2FA On My Bitdefender Central Account?
Hello, My Google 2FA doesn't seem to be working to log in to Bitdefender Central. Can you please disable 2FA on my account so I can access it? I had to create a new account so that I could post this. My account is: ******. Please contact me at that address if you need to verify my identity or need anything else. Thanks!…
Where Is My Activation Code?
I bought Bitdefender from amazon.ca and I received a Bitdefender Total Secutiry small paper folder in with the other items I bought. Inside that is a credit card size paper card that says Bitdefender Total Secutiry on it and a silver strip about 2 inches wide x ¼ inch high approx. On the back of the card are 5 steps of…
Auto-renewal cancellation
It looks like quite a few people are having the same issue. Have tried both method 1 & 2 and neither have worked. Keep waiting for the access link they claim they are going to send and it never comes through. Keep checking both spam & junk files and nothing. Sent an email to cancel auto-renewal with no acknowledgement or…
Bitdefender Digital Identity Protection: How To Make A Refund?
I have buy this but my phone hasn't recieved sms and i can't wait for it. I want to refund this order. How to?
How To Extend My Subscription With The New Renewal Activation Code?
I've just paid ang got a activation code today. My current product will expire after 31 days. Will the new expire day will be actived after 31 days or not if I input the new activation code now? I don't want abandon those days. How do I do?
Is My Privacy Safe If Someone Shares With Me His/Her Subscription?
Can the account owner of BitDefender central who shares with me the subscription know any information about my computer or anything I do? thank you
I Bought BD Total Security Subscript And It Says I'm On Trial. Is There A Fix?
I Bought BD Total Security Subscript And It Says I'm On Trial. And I Already Verified It With My Email. Is There A Fix?
Help needed with suscription through Google Play
I bought a year suscription.througj Google play I received email from Google play for the purchase but nothing from bitedefender not even activation code . Anyone can help me please ? Thank you
Bitdefender VPN Subscription Problem. Any Help?
Hello,i activated my vpn trial with an random email and pass and then after a week activated one month subscription from google play and it was ok but i suddenly uninstalled the app and when i installed again,forgeted the email and pass also,so is there any way to restore the activation?i also have google play purchase id.
Is this valid or Phishing?
Just got Bitdefender and instead of an activation code I got this. Very confused, I have never needed to send a screenshot for a purchase before.
Rootkit.MBR.Zegost.G (Boot image)
Hi I can't seem to get this Rootkit.MBR.Zegost.G (Boot image) off my system, please assist, I've reset windows (delete everything option) and that didn't seem to help.