How do I get the Bitdefender emblem displayed on my reset computer?
Can't download
Everytime I try to download, a message appear that the file has fail a virus scan, but I can't work out what is scanning the file! I'm using Windows 10
BitDefender Question(s)
Is there a way to have bitdefender not run when I restart my laptop? And also is there a way to lower the ram/CPU etc it uses? Like rn it's using 10GB and idk how to lower it
BitDefender Not Compatible With Windows 11 24H2
Hi, I keep being disconnected with the host. The current installation package in the cloud portal isn't compatible with Windows 11 24H2. The smaller download package and the epskit x64 abort with the same result. Its ridiculous there's no fix to the issue.
Unable to connect to the server
I can't get my antivirus to log in Message me below Of course I'm connected to the internet Unable to connect to the server Sorry we are unable to connect the server. Please try again latr Try again
Bitdefender services are loading now, please wait
I'm getting the above message when mouse pointer is hovering over the Bitdefender Icon in the Sys tray. I have uninstalled and re-installed (just). When I did this it said "you are safe" BUT, after a reboot it goes back to the above error. Bdservicehost and BDuserhost and other BD's are showing in Task Manager. Win 11 23H2…
Bitdefender will not work or reinstall after yesterday's Windows 10 update. This has been escalated because the instructions from Lori P. failed. The uninstall tool worked; however, every attempt to reinstall failed with an error message that indicated all related directories could not be cleared. Therefore, I have…
Do i need to permanently disable Windows Defender in Win 11 ?
I'm sorry, but as a complete newbie to Windows 11 I am totally confused ! My question is: I have downloaded and installed BD today, but do i now need to permanently disable Windows Defender in Win 11 ?
Windows 10 explorer blinking problem after installing Total Security
Hello eweryone. I hope you can help me. So I have a Lenovo laptop and recently my computer was going crazy. After logging in my desktop/explorer gets constantly blinking. I was unable to do anything... except calling Task Manager via Ctrl+Shift+Esc but this was freezing with 100% processor usage... Shortly after it exited.…
Proxy settings etc.
I am so sick of "can't access the internet" every time there's an update on my computer, requiring me to go into settings AGAIN and fix things due to how Bitdefender operates.
New scan technologies
Hi, The new changelog says the following: Integrated new scan technologies What exactly does that mean? Something completely new or just an update to the current one? Greetings
RAM Usage Variations
I still don't quite understand why the "bdservicehost" process goes from using about 400 Mb of RAM to even about 70/80 Mb while using the computer. Why is there such a big difference in RAM usage? Couldn't it always use about 70/80 Mb?
Is there a simple way to turn Bitdefender off temporarily to do an install of software via internet
Attempting to download a trusted program that fails because it says another program is running. My guess is that other program is Bitdefender. Wish to turn Bit. off temporarily. Watched a video that had dozens of steps to turn Bit. off. Must be an easier way or I am using the wrong security software.
Windows 11 computer gets slower and slower loading pages and programs
I've been using Bitdefender for a few months now. It seems that everything I open (programs, web pages, etc. takes a LONG time to load! I've tried running Ashampoo Windows optimizer, which clears caches and other things known to slow computers. It is annoying, because I have to look up my password on each program I use…
Computer slows down after installing Bitdefender Total Security
After installing Bitdefender Total Security Windows became less responsive, it is slower. After clicking the volume control on the keyboard, it takes 1-2 seconds for the system to respond. After hovering the cursor over the icons on the taskbar, it takes about 2 seconds for the icon to light up and be ready to click.…
Black Colour Screen on Boot After Installing Bitdefender Windows 7
Hi everyone, Full black colour screen for a few minutes on boot after installing Bitdefender. It happens before I even log in, just the mouse cursor over a black colour screen. Once it finally loads, everything works fine. I searched online, and it seems other people have this issue too, but I have not found any solutions…
how to Install activation and updates on a remote not connected to internet machine?
Hi to all, in our laboratory we have some machines that (for security reasons) do not have an internet connection. Does bitdefender supports offline install, activation and updates, so I can install it on those machines? Do exists an installer version/updates for offline machines? Thanks a lot, Simone
How To Remove Bitdefender Permanently Windows 10
Hi, How do I remove Bitdefender permanently from Windows 10? I want to remove all traces of Bitdefender from all 5 PC's Thanks
Linking new bitdefender to old one
I received an email that my Bitdender package was close to expiring (still 24 days left) on Bitdefender Total Security. Rather than resub automatically, I purchased a new Bitdefender Total Security package (individual, which I believe I had before). But, rather than letting me extend the new time on my current sub with the…
How to check the correct package installed and registered.
I initially trialled Bitdefender Total Security and decided to purchase the Family Pack instead. Having uninstalled Total Security and thought I installed the Family Pack, I entered the License Key. The software still displayed Total Security with 10 devices instead of 15 in the Family Pack. I then uninstalled Total…
Bitdefender behavior during update
Hello, Bitdefender recently carried out a version update. It was uninstalled and reinstalled without any information. I was surprised that the Bitdefender icon in the tray had disappeared. Is this normal behavior? Does that mean that I am not protected for the moment during the update? Why am I not asked to restart in…
Problem with downloading Bitdefender Total Security
Made my first Bitdefender (BD) purchase today (Total Security), registered on BD Central, and followed the steps there to download onto a first device — my laptop. Did this many times, but every time the result shown in Recent Download History was "Needs permission to download." I'm pretty sure I have Windows 10. I know…
I want to install Bitdefender Total Security Individual without uninstalling Malwarebytes.
I am replacing Kaspersky Plus with Bitdefender Total Security Individual. I have uninstalled Kaspersky and UltraAV and their VPNs using Windows 10 "programs and features" . Kaspersky allowed me to run Malwarebytes concurrently by using a setting that ignores the Malwarebytes file. But the Bitdefender installer that runs…
Scan doesn't work
I tried to do scan some folders and files from right click option, but it seemed not work. Here is steps. Right click on file or folder Select Bitdefender Scan with bitdefender It worked before.
2025 Release
Hi, Is there already a date when Bitdefender 2025 will be released? Greetings
Bitdefender security went down during an update , does it affect my vpn's connection too ?
i clicked on update icon of bitdefender which started updating , meanwhile the bitdefender icon became vanished & the windows started asking me to switch on my antivirus, i was doing online work at that time , it is a great risk to go online without windows security. 1. does bitdefender and it's firewall provides the same…
Updates Taking a Very Long Time to Complete
In the last couple of days updates to Total Security 2024 are taking a long time. It's been stuck on 0% for several minutes now. Update took about 15 minutes to finish yesterday. There is nothing wrong with my internet connection and prior to two days ago updates were fast.
Why is BF returning a Critical Update Notice. Resolved
Greetings and salutations, I am running Windows 11. My machine is not able to update to Version 24H2 of the Windows Update due to hardware non-compatibility. Is there a way to get BF from generating this message under the Vulnerability scan? Thank you all Problem resolved: Had to run Microsoft Compatibility checker for…
Unable To Install Bitdefender Due To Unable To Delete Kaspersky Total Security. Any Help?
I just uninstalled Kaspersky from my laptop using the downloaded file from Kaspersky's URL https://kas.pr/kvrmvr as directed by tech support from Kaspersky. I ran the downloaded program kavremvr.exe . I took out all the installations of the Kaspersky modules one at a time with reboots after each one of them. I tried…
Windows installation of BD Family Pack over existing expiring BD install doesn't work
I have BD Total Security installed currently. It is expiring tomorrow. I purchased BD Family pack from NewEgg because the renewal price for my installed software is ridiculous. I've downloaded the new Family Pack version. When I try to install it I get the blue circle that runs for about 30 seconds (flickers a couple of…