bdservices host slows down my computer. 33% memory usage. Bitdefender internet security
I have removed Bitdefender and deleted the temp, %temp% and prefetch folder. I completely reinstalled bitdefender. However, the memory usage just got worse. Please help. It slows down my computer.
Why won't VPN Premium install on my Windows 11 PC (it did before)
For some reason (several weeks back) my VPN reverted to the 200mb daily limit version, although I have had the Premium version for a couple of years. According to my dashboard I have it installed on 9 other devices and my W11 PC (even though my PC tells me it's the 200mb daily limit version), so I removed this PC from my…
Email spam
I have email protection configured, but am still receiving a lot of spam emails to outlook inbox. They are not automatically going to junk, I have to manually block sender of each one. Can anyone help me with better settings in Bitdefender? Thanks
Firewall missing from protection features dashboard
when i open the protection tab in bitdefender i see 5 icons (Antivirus, online threat, ransomeware, vulnerability, Advance threat) but no firewall icon. why is it missing/how to restore? My Bluesound application cannot see my network library when bitdefender is running as soon as i deactivate bitdefender it runs fine - so…
Can Bitdefender Password prevent uninstalling Total Internet Security?
So, if I set a password in BTS it will prevent a user from changing or disabling the settings. But will it also prevent an Admin user (windows 11) from uninstalling the application altogether? thanks
How to Get Bitdefender Free Trial 90 Days
Could someone kindly guide me on how to purchase a plan with a 90-day free trial? I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thank you in advance!
Does Bitdefender save scan history or is it only saved on device?
Is it possible to see months old threat detections to get a sample if the device used for the scan is longer in working condition?
Why can't I see any text?
I recently installed Bitdefender and I can't see any text in any of the features. Support suggested that I uninstall and reinstall the program. I tried that but it didn't help. Any suggestions on what else I can do?
Windows Defender Real-Time Protection and Bitdefender
Hi there! I work home-office, and in order to stay organized, I've created a new account in my device only for work-related tasks. I am currently using Bitdefender, however my company requires that I use Windows Defender for business in my device with Real-Time Protection turned on. Which features can I disable on…
New Bitdefender Update Affecting Games. Any Help?
I have a RTX 4090 and an AMD 5950 with 64gb of ram á 4000mhz. A lof of threads are popping up regarding this subject.
How to stop my subscription to Mobile Security and automatic renewal?
I have read many posts and also contacted the helpdesk with many mails but they don't seem to understand my problem. (I get a link to contact with 2Checkout, from whom I only get two old subscriptions). I can't find where I can stop the automatic renewal of my subscription to Mobile Security. In fact I want to stop the…
Temporary sim card
I am traveling in foreign country and tried to insert temporary Sim card. Activation was blocked. Is that a bitdefender issue?
got a new subscription
my vpn ran out got a new subscription paid for it but no email to activate it showed up in my email
Bitdefender VPN blocks all internet access on one of my 15 devices!`
Hi Out of my fifteen devices, I have only one out of seven similar Dell desktops with the above issue. All are running win 11 home, four with version 23H2 and two running 24H2. Only one desktop running 23H2 has the above problem, it is 12 months old and has been running well until a couple of weeks ago. Occasionally it…
How do I remove all passwords.
Surely there is a better way to remove passwords in bulk instead of one at a time and going around circles trying to find an answer
Web Protection keeps turning off on Android phones? Here’s what to do
This article guides you on how to prevent Bitdefender Mobile Security’s Web Protection feature from constantly being disabled on some Android phones and tablets. Sometimes, even after manually reactivating Web Protection, it turns itself off shortly afterward. When this happens, Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android…
Found 200 unresolved items in deep scan - now what?
Hi, The quick scan shows my computer is great. The deep scan includes my backup drives and takes about a week to complete. It found 200 unresolved items the last time I ran it. I am running it again now (about a month since the last time) and it appears that I'll end up with the same number of unresolved items. Does that…
com.bitdefender.dmg exception
Ok so I've seen the question asking if this is a legitimate exception and i've seend the feedback that the UI shouldnt show this. Im personally glad that it does - I dont believe a tool liek this should hide any exception. My question is... Why is this ok? Would this be a potential place for malware to hide or does…
Problem with VPN and Web Protection on IOS
When VPN is activated it turns off web protection, if I activate web protection it turns off VPN on my iPhone 13. I cant find any info to fix this?
Scan one drive
How can I scan just my C: drive for vulnerabilities?
Disable antivirus for unknown devices?
How do I disable Bitdefender protection on devices within my subscription, if I no longer want to protect them because I no longer know which computers they are?
Is this normal?
Hi there, first time bitdefender user here, When I try to open Bitdefender from the taskbar it doesnt open but when I go into the search bar it opens from there
Ultimate or Total Version?
Hello! I have just bought and installed the Ultimate version. However, the interface tells me that the Total version is installed. What is correct? Kind regards Klaus Hausmann
Secure Pass import from Password Manager into a folder?
After import from Password Manager to Secure Pass, how to I get the passwords out of a folder to the main "level"?
Firewall blocks communication with ezeep printing service
I am using Total Security build When trying to print using the ezeep cloud printing service, the Firewall is blocking the communication. Disabling Firewall allows the document to be uploaded to the cloud and sent to the printer. I've tried adding exception rules to all of the EXEs in the ezeep app folder, but…
how to connect multiple email boxes to the email protection feature?
If I manage multiple mailboxes in my domain in Outlook, how do I connect them to the protect e-mail function?
Subscription renewal with updated payment information
My subscription expired even though I tried twice to have it continued. Now I want to take advantage of your offer of 54.99 to renew for another year. How can I get this done? I tried to get the subscription site to accept my updated credit card data, but do not know if that was successful. Fred_1
Premium Security with 10 devices
I bought Bitdefender Premium Security that came with Premium VPN and 10 devices. When i tried to set up my second device I was not able to get Premium VPN on the second device, just total security. Does Premium Security only come with Premium VPN for the first device? Do I have to buy Premium VPN separately for each of the…
How do you get to a "403 Forbidden" web site?
www.metronet.com comes up as "403 Forbidden". Interesting as they are my service provider and I would like to get there to pay my bill.
Bitdefender Total Security Email Protection
Hello, I have been using Bitdefender Total security for several years now. I never really noticed until I was burnt that the email protection in consumer clients is non-existent. It doesn't stop spam, let alone malicious emails. I have used Endpoint solutions that deeply scanned email, like GravityZone and Symantec…